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Showing posts with the label diet

Beauty Inside Out with Newly Launched Hada Labo Hydrating Water Gel

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My Kitchen Buddies Rasa Sifu by Ajinomoto

Who never heard Ajinomoto? As for me, this name is not so foreign, I always remember the advertisement on TV when I was little. Mum never use this in her cooking but remember to eat much food at the restaurant who sprinkle a lot of AJI NO MOTO! hehehehe Ajinomoto has evolved over the years! They improved and make the seasoning healthier and yet the home-cooked food taste like a pro chef! Ajinomoto introduces 'Rasa Sifu' which is first of its kind in the market. You know when you eat food at the restaurant they cook with a big fire and have this sort of taste like a wok taste into the food? I love the smells of fire and that wok taste onto my food.  But when tried to cook it home, I don't get that taste at all. I guess am not so pro chef ...say tossing and put on a big fire until my wok turns black. hhahahahaha.... I was told will be able to achieve that Restaurant wok taste by sprinkling 'Rasa Sifu' all in one powdered seasoning into my cooking.


  Very healthy red rice heh? But this is very hard red rice...yeah yeah..I suppose to put more water. My bad! My awesome Kimchi Jjigae save my lunch treat! Very easy to make this soup. Boiled water then add in cabbage kimchi, raddish kimchi, then add in tofu, optional salty fish. No need to season since I pour in kimchi juice in...serious awesome when you hungry! Served this with hot rice...

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