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Showing posts from October, 2014

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12th October 2014, Sunday HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINA!!!!! You were born to this earth years ago and still survive and alive until now.BIG PAT on my back!!! Congratulations!!!! I am officially an old woman with young at heart!!!! I wake with full of energy to achieve something today... Birthday speech???? Thank you God for keeping me alive, healthy and well. Happy Birthday to me...Happy Birthday to me...yeahh yeahhh sounds so like pathetic woman singing happy birthday alone at foreign country huh? How come don't feel like weird or pathetic at all???? kekekekeke... As long as I am happy and well...whatever you wanna interpret my happiness...its my life!!!! WTH! Today I am going to climb up the Geumjeong Mountain Fotress. Yup! you read it right...I climb!!!! I did it too!!!! Although it takes a bit longer than others...hehehehe I am one Ajumma who don't climb for years and did it alone at others country! Thank God no leeches or scary slimy creatures on the way


My poor hair was badly tangled due to dryness of Siberian wind I experience in Busan. I was so worried that I have to shave my hair due to terrible hair I have. isk isk isk At the same time was so amaze with Busan woman who have nice hair. At least theirs look nice and not tangled like mine. I went into the Nature Republic for some face mask purchase. At the same time ask the sales girl to introduce me something for the tangled and dried hair. I told her my seaweed hair are soon turning into dried pollack hair and she laugh at me and said cannot be ...cannot be..this is hair not seaweed! Of course la...I just joking to you la woman....haissshhh!!!! Where is your sense of humor??? Walked out from the shop with this Argan Oil Hair Essence from Nature Republic. I don't know how much they sell here in Malaysia but I gotten mine at KRW18,000 for 60ml. IMA totally love the smells of this oil. Don't know how to describe but pleasant sweet smells unlike that Rose H


11th October 2014, Saturday From wet market to dry market and since many attractions are just walking distance nearby, I end up at this most busy shopping street BIFF Square. Still wanna know how to take subway to BIFF Market???? - Take subway line 1 (orange color) - Stop at Jagalchi station - Then take exit no. 7 and walk about 5 minutes. Haishhhh you won't lost here since too many people walking towards the same place. If lost just asked le.... donno how to ask? Just point le...that is how I travel! What is BIFF Square? BIFF square is a film festival place to celebrate Busan International Film Festival which is one of the biggest film festivals in Asia. It takes place during autumn every year. Yup! IMA was there during that time. IMA don't really come here for shopping. I came here just to taste the famous Hotteuk opposite Busan Theater. Serious so famous like at tripadvisor suggested to come here and try this famous hotteuk. The line


Happy Monday everyone!!!! I wish a happy working day ahead for all! I wanted to post my Busan and Jeju trip entry but my mind keep telling me I am also a beauty blogger so need to balance up my entry. Two months back I attended Melvita beauty workshop and totally in love with this organic brand. I gotten myself this Rose Hip Oil to cure my over dried skin. I used to hate the smells of Rose Hip Oil, but its all gone since this oil totally benefited my skin. There are many benefits of Rose Hips oil : * Reduce stretch marks and can helps toward weight loss if massage daily with this oil * Softens the appearance of blemishes and make complexion more radiant * Great soothing after -sun * Recommended for very dry skin (not recommended for skin with tendency towards acne) Why IMA choose Melvita? * First cold -pressing organic oil * Colorant and preservative free Melvita Rose Hips oil is made from seed of Chilean Wild Rose and this oil is rich in essential fatty acids


Yesterday morning received this voucher from Tammy aka The Mamasan of Butterfly Project the beauty bloggers community's President . I feeling so happy! Especially after came back from my Busan and Jeju trip, I really need to rejuvenate my aching body. Thank you Tammy and also Amante for presented me with this complimentary gift. I will make use of this wisely soon! Today I am having brunch with Jamie aka the Cili padi at Bangsar!!!


11th October 2014, Saturday After my hiking trail at Gamcheun Culture Village, I continue my journey to explore Busan's famous market called Jagalchi Fish Market.  How to go to Jagalchi Fish Market? -Take subway Line 1 (orange colour line) - You can stop at Jagalchi Station then take exit 10 about 10 minutes walking There are many other attractions nearby area such as : * Gukje Market * BIFF Square * Taejongdae Park * Yongduan Park * Songdo Beach Just continue walking and you will find these places and you will not lose your way since there are big tourist map nearby. You can use it as reference or can buy map which will cost you around KRW2,000/-. IMA travel using Busan subway map. Why I chose to go to Jagalchi Market after Gamcheon Culture Village visit? Jagalchi is just one station from Toseong -Dong. Very convenient! Jagalchi market is a huge fish market with lots of fresh seafood waiting to be executed live!!!! isk isk isk ...poor c


11th October 2014, Saturday Woke up early in the morning to start my journey to Gamcheon Culture Village. I started my journey from Sasang Station , purple line, I easily can go to green line 2 for interchange to orange line 1.  How to go to Gamcheon Culture Village? - Take subway line 1 (orange colour) and stop at Toseong-dong. - Take exit 6 -You will come to intersection don't worry, just walk and then turn right at the corner then walk straight until you see Cancer Hospital on your right. - There are bus stop right in front of the hospital. - Take either bus 2 or 2-2 - This bus will take you to Gamcheon Culture Village at the top of the hill Don't worry about where to stop because so many people will stop there too and they are just tourist like you. What is Gamcheon Culture Village? Gamcheon Culture Village are well known as Santorini of Korea and also Korea's Machu Pichu. To me this place is very attractive and beautiful. This place is ori


I flew out by AirAsia X on 10th Oct 2014 early morning flight and reached Gimhae International Airport, Busan morning too. Since it was a long journey, I booked myself a flatbed seat. I could say it was a good choice and the journey was very comfortable. The price also very reasonable. My only complaint the person sat next to me was snoring away loudly throughout the journey. huhuhuhuh...lucky the engine noise cover it a lil bit. So bad hor...that snoring ajussi? My hotel was located at Sasang which is only 3 station away from Airport. So no problem at all. Wait a minute...I have problem...I reached early morning and check in time to hotel at 3pm. WTH!!!! No early check in. So no choice to leave my luggage at hotel and wondering around Sasang area.  Sasang is consider a small town. My hotel located near Seubo  Intercity Bus Terminal and since Sasang subway is the interchange station so it is easy for me to commute to subway line 2 or even to line 1. So damn convenient!!!!

Busan Again

This is my first time blogging use my samsung phone. Very challenging for ajumma like me. I am currently at Jeju Airport boarding for Busan again. Too many human here at airport. headache!  I wish to extend my Jeju trip. There are many places I haven't visit. Isk isk isk I am flying back to Malaysia on 19 Oct evening flight. Full blogging session on Busan - Jeju - Busan - KL once I reach.


Bye Bye Malaysia...IMA  will be in Busan , South Korea!!! Expecting to land on 10th October 2014 morning. I will come back soon....when I feel enough to be here...... can it be enough??? Shall I find one Korean lover???? wink wink...hihihihihihi No need lover but the best Chingu will do! My Seoul BFF aka Chingu are joining in later part of my trip to celebrate my birthday here. Plus....Chingu will be driving me around in JEJU. WTH!!!! Ahhhhh... 'Jinjja yeh yo' Chingu???? Since Chingu is not a Chaebol....aegoooo!!!!! so Chingu said no sports car like Gu Jun Pyo in BOF and said this Malaysian Jan Di need to settle with smallest and cheapest car. Aegoooooo!!!!! So I no need to hire driver....HAPPY ME!!!! Chingu said this is birthday treat!!!! Yeah!!! I will be celebrating my 40th birthday in Busan. Aegooooo!!! Saranghae!!! Chingu's Agassi!!!! Mian hae....wink wink... Anyway.....IMA will be busy exploring every alley in Busan and every jungle


Received a Liebster Award from Elana Khong. I really don't know what to do with this. I am not sure what is this all about because I don't really pay attention on this. Anyway, thank you to Elana for this! I am glad to know you! What is Liebster Award? Google le.... Liebster means Dearest in German. This Liebster Award is sort of chain game among blogger who nominated each other to help increase each blog traffic. Once you get nominated you need to nominate at least 8 favourite bloggers. There are unofficial rules when receiving this award....IMA accepted this blindly.. Singing Henry song, I'm Trap! I'm Trap! WTH!!! 1. Thank you who has nominated you and post link to their blog. 2. Display the Liebster Award on your blog 3. Answer 11 questions about yourself given by the blogger who has nominated you 4. Provide 10 random facts about yourself 5. Nominate 8 - 10 blogs with less than 300 followers that you feel they deserve


You are trying to lose weight but craving to eat delicious chocolate chips cookies??? I found this recipe at This is healthy protein soft cookies. You don't need any flour or eggs and you don't need to bake this cookies. All you need are 3 ingredients .  Yes!!!! you read it right. Just 3 ingredients for this delicious healthy soft cookies. Ingredients : * Chickpeas in can * Peanut butter preferable the organic one. (I use the crunchy peanut butter since I wanna munch) * Dark Chocolate Chips ( you can opt this with prunes or any other dried fruits or even other nuts)  How to make this yummy pack with protein soft cookies? Can of chickpeas put into food processor. You don't have food processor? Just mash this with back of spoon!  There you go...mash it until it become like this... I like chunky cookies Put the chickpea dough in a bowl and then mixed with peanut butter. I use 170g chunky peanut butter. Mi

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