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I flew out by AirAsia X on 10th Oct 2014 early morning flight and reached Gimhae International Airport, Busan morning too. Since it was a long journey, I booked myself a flatbed seat. I could say it was a good choice and the journey was very comfortable. The price also very reasonable. My only complaint the person sat next to me was snoring away loudly throughout the journey. huhuhuhuh...lucky the engine noise cover it a lil bit. So bad hor...that snoring ajussi?

My hotel was located at Sasang which is only 3 station away from Airport. So no problem at all. Wait a minute...I have problem...I reached early morning and check in time to hotel at 3pm. WTH!!!! No early check in. So no choice to leave my luggage at hotel and wondering around Sasang area. 

Sasang is consider a small town. My hotel located near Seubo  Intercity Bus Terminal and since Sasang subway is the interchange station so it is easy for me to commute to subway line 2 or even to line 1. So damn convenient!!!!

But hey....first day I need to kill time before my check in hour. So I just wondering around! 

Since it was early in the morning...everything was layback!!!
People around was clearing throat grossly...WTH!
Am I in China???? So confuse for a second.
People were talking in rough manner and seems unfriendly at all.
The street is dirty and the rotten gingko nut falling from tree smells like shit!
Smells of pee from the wall on the street.
The saliva from the spit was all over the street.....

I keep consoling is too early to judge.
At least I see the different side of Busan.

They are all human and all human live the same way....bad good rude polite...we are all human and no angel!

Here comes the life creature ready for execution for human consume. WTH!

The famous banana milk when you visit korea....I had my breakfast at convenient store!

 Walked around and found this market.
Ajuma and Ajussi busy with their selling items.
Many things amuse me.....

End up trying those tteuk. Damn delicious!
It was fresh and tasty.
Nothing like the one I tasted at Hyundai Mall in Seoul.
I thought I ban tteuk from my book when I tasted it from Hyundai Mall and this one totally traditional and delicious!

Walked into this small lil bakery and bought myself some doughnut and bread. Damn shiok too because their dough is like mochi texture. 

Then tired exploring the market and walking down every alley....I found a park in front of hospital and enjoy korean multi color corn and melon ice cream. It was windy and Thank God! my waiting is worth it!
At least my hotel room is comfortable with the price I paid.

It was a free and easy trip so my exploration is like a surprise to me.

My journey continue in my next post....


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