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Showing posts from May, 2014

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#koreandramaost #princesscindyrina Jung dong ha(정동하) _ Mystery(미스터리) (Master`s sun(주군의 태양) OST Part 5)

Best drama ever! Master's Sun deserved to win more awards. The OST are great and Jung Dong Ha's vocal for this song Mystery is awesome! I watched this drama many times and still love it. Another Korean Drama craze post from forever in love Princess Cindyrina! WTH! Guess what??? I am going to field trip tomorrow! Have a good weekend everybody!!!!


Last Sunday, I was craving for delicious walnut carrot cake. Found this at Espresso Lab near One U. WTH! So damn shiok wor!!! Totally my taste. I am one person who are very picky when it comes to cake tasting. I only eat cream cheese with clean taste. Hate the thick too creamy and greasy taste! When it come to cake...mmmmmm...I don't like the fluffy and dry type. I love solid and moisture type of cakes. The cake need to be less sweet too!  I don't eat sweet cakes! So difficult huh??? This Walnut Carrot cake at Espresso Lab, seriously???? Give it a try! Its expensive, they charge you RM14 for one slice but to me it really delicious!    Lovely Sunday with delicious Walnut Carrot cake and pair with Latte After enjoying, found out my best friend came. WTH! I forgot to spare sanitary in my bag. End up at watson looking for the smallest ultrathin kotex. Lovely packaging from kotex and really convenient for emergency lady like


I eat less chicken for 2 years now. If I have any other choice , I wouldn't want to choose chicken or meat. I eat more fish or seafood but most of the time more fish and veggies in my daily diet. Fruit not so much because I only eat certain type of fruits and it is seasonal one. Chingu said too expensive taste. Yeap! guess what??? IMA only eat fresh cherries and apricot. So snobbish la this woman! Not really...reason behind it because these two fruits taste nice and no need for me to peel or what so ever. What about strawberries??? Huhuhuhuh this reason will make you wanna throw up!!!! I only eat Korean strawberries in Korea.WTH!!! Throw up pleaseeeeee!!!! Malay community will call me 'Perempuan tak sedar diri'! huhuhuhuh.. Whatever!!!! My personal preference! As long as I am happy! I really miss the taste of Korean food. So one weekend ask Chingu to treat me for korean food. At least at Dubu dubu has quite reasonable price food. I order


  Have you ever met a Boss from hell before? I have been working for over twenty years currently and I even have met several kinds of Bosses. Sadly, most of bosses I met are the evil one! With head down, I blame it to my ‘lady luck’ for not serving to Maine out. However, with head up! I survive most of this troublesome Boss. Managing Boss is extremely vital for our survival in working place and earn for a living. Why is very important to Manage your Boss? Well……they're THE BOSS! In another note, solely BOSS will offer WHAT we tend to WANTS… What we tend to wants? Well, most of us love rewards and career advancement. If we tend to don’t have good relationship with our Boss, does one assume we'll be able to get what we tend to wants? Hell NO! Managing Boss doesn't mean you would like to Brown nosing or become a sucker…ewwwww!!! Don’t do that! Unethical!   SIX SKILLS MANAGE YOUR BOSS:   1.     Be dependable – you only have to be c

CNBLUE - 독한 사랑 (Cold Love) [Mini Album - Can't Stop]

Jung Shin Chingu fall off stage during CN Blue HK concert early this week. I saw the youtube on him falling down... Aigo!!!!! Jung Shin, ya!!!! Jung Shin Chingu got very excited to touch his fan hand....he overshot the stage...and blop...down he go! Thank God! nothing serious happen to Jung Shin Chingu. All the best with your concert tour , CN Blue ! My favourite Korean band CN Blue mini album. I love Cold Love song. I love it.... I love it... The lyric are beautiful. I have been listening to this over and over again since yesterday Yeah!!!! wait until the third day of repetition then I go ...WTH! Just like how I fall in love with Big Bang Song, Blue last year. Then back to CN Blue , Still In Love. This year 2014, the first song captured my heart.....the award goes to....jeng jeng....CN blue, Cold love. This is my break up song with Lee Min Ho . WTH!!!! isk isk isk This song suit  for the Ice Princess.... Princess Cindyrina !!!! Big round applause to Princess C


Since I bought my smoothie blender from, my morning breakfast is sooooooooo bloody healthy! Since I am office lady and my belly fat is accumulating  so I did more research on  smoothie recipe. My focus more on detox ,weight loss, slimming and something delicious and healthy. Which women don't google all this???? Tell me? who ? who? who is that lucky woman with no such worries??? hehehehe...drama!!!! My first recipe which I find this delicious is Strawberry Beet Root Green Smoothie. Ingredient : * 1/2 cup beet, cut into small cube * 1/4 avocado, peeled and slice * 1 stalk of celery * 10 medium sized fresh strawberries * 1/4 cup oats (optional) * Water ( can put whatever amount suit your taste) I am bloody lazy to blend it step by step so I just dumped it all in the blender. Blend it until it smooth and creamy. The taste???? Lovely!!!! just suit me. You can add honey if you want your smoothie sweet. This smoothies is said to be rich of vitamins


For those who knows me very well, will not want to even make appointment to see me. WTH! So called anti socialized woman! Not that I anti social just that....well...I have this rules of specific preference time and venue for meet up. So selfish woman!!!  Just because of my specific crazy preference...I end up with not many friends...WTH! My preference to meet up : 1. Only for breakfast between 8:30 - 9:00am sharp. The breakfast meeting need to end before 12:00 noon. 2. Meet up place only at the place I familiar the most like, Tropicana City Mall, Jaya One, Pavillion,KL and Bangsar Village. Any other than that venue...sorry...I will still insist that place no matter how boring it is for meeting up the same place again and again. Well...before you label me as selfish or anti social woman....let me explain my reason first... 1. I am one over concerned woman...well...concern towards myself...hehehehehe..I hate driving out under hot sun and many cars on the road


Most of the OL or OM , I mean Office Lady and Office Man...are looking ways to earn extra cash. Some may opt to do a weekend flea market or night market and the shy type will opt for virtual online website. Some will set up blog to sell stuff or sell it through facebook and now instagram. All this don't need too much cost except for time spent. When you are just a starter try not to spend so much on setting up cost. Don't bother to set up website or hire a designer for nice website. Then spend too much cost webhosting and domain name. After all the cost spent , nobody visit your website. Selling online not just about waiting for people come to buy at your website. This is not like physical store. Imagine you have nice beautiful website and no traffic....haissshhh... if you are selling cookies or brownies ...guest you just need to eat it all by yourself. There are few website that can help you start your online business without any setting up cost or just a minimal fees.


I added this nuffnang poll long time ago. It was there...and I never bother to check the result. Just don't want to accept the reality if the it is 'zero' response. disappointed if it is 'zero'...isk isk isk. Last Tuesday, I was on the mood to explore my nuffnang and build up the courage to see the poll result. kekekekeke.... IMA so happy!!!!! At least got some response! My reader are so sporting. 1st Question : Are you a Dude or a Babe? Thanks Babe!!!!! Dude! you are missing out! hehehe 2nd Question : How old are you?  Well... mostly younger than me....isk isk isk ...feel happy or sad??? Thank you for your support! 3rd Question : What do you do for money? Mostly student...mmmmm...student can make money meh???? FAMA? PTPTN? Study loan? Scholar? Don't forget to pay back the money,k!!!! Overall satisfy with poll result. Young adult attract to me more than mature adult. Kpop and Korean Wave power! Than


Last month , I received inquiry from one of my blog reader on micro current bunion treatment. I did it somewhere on Sept last year with Dr Milly Ng at Central Building, HK. "Hi Cindy, How are you ? I'm Anne, from Indonesia. I have been doing some research on bunion treatment and decided that I want to avoid surgery as much as possible. Then I found out about dr Milly Ng and the microcurrent for bunion and came upon your blog :) So please tell me, was the pain worth it ? Did the bunion come back ? I'm so worried that after spending so much money, the bunion comes back anyway. I love shoes, and my bunion is preventing me from wearing many pretty shoes :( Would love to hear from you. Thanks and best regards, Anne " Here I share my reply to her  and for those who are still contemplating about micro current bunion treatment. Dear Anne, I spent 5 working days for treatment with 2 session everyday. 1st session at 11am 2nd session at 6pm Yeah

HR NETWORKING EVENT 2014 HR Networking Event 2014 is back!!!! Sounds like I have been to this event last year??? first time too. I told you! in my previous post I am now  a start into networking. This year I invest RM280 and register myself to this event! Distinguished Speakers, Panellists & Moderators ·   Mr. Antony Lee,   CEO of AIG Malaysia Insurance Bhd ·   Mr. Fong Wai Leong,   Group CEO of CBSA Group ·   Mr. Naresh Sanchana,   Senior Product Manager of ·   Ms. Aina Zahari,   Director of Innovation Process & Analytics, Alpha Catalyst Consulting Sdn Bhd ·   Ms. Grace Munsayac,   HR Director, Malaysia and SEA C&B Director, Mondelez ·   Ms. Faith Ngeow,   Associate Director, HR-SEA Kellogg South East Asia ·   Mr. Lai Tak Ming,   Director of Gamuda Group Human Resource ·   Mr. Darrel Lourdes,   HR Director of Shell Malaysia ·   Ms. Hamidah Naziadin,   Head, Group Corporate Resour


Let me weakness is to socialise with others. If you put me in group, it will take sometimes for me to step up and talk to others. I can't really mingle around with other too. Well....everybody has weakness right?? Recently, after my trainer course... to start my own training business...mmmmm...who should I approach and how? I need to build up my confidence to mingle around but I can just mingle with all those on the street right? They will think I am crazy woman! Who to approach??? I tried to google around and found this website call At least this is not like a dating site or anything weird. I read there are many group like business networking, hobbies related , all group who share the same interest and they are pretty active too. They even have bootcamp,budget traveller , morning bukit gasing climbers and running club here . If you are expat and looking for club crawlers....hey you can find same interest friends here at


Wake up in the morning. Getting ready and try to look pretty and presentable...cheewwwaaahhh!!! Chingu came to pick me up and off we go to my interview venue. Started the journey with full of positive energy. One and half hours drive after went through don't know how many ripped off tolls by this license pirate.....feeling hungry...wanna pee too.WTH! Weather was so freaking hot..and I am wearing vampire all black dress with black stockings and black heels too.WTH! Am I going for interview or black tie party??? I wear that with perception black can look slimmer...that is the ultimate motive...   It could be much easier to use federal highway to reach that place. Both unitedly decide to use that NKVE and bla bla bla highway where all those big transformer trucks used. Me keep saying...damn!!! How am I suppose to come to this place again when the road is not register to my mind. WTH! Finally reached the of course with the impatient mood and Chingu i

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