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Showing posts from October, 2010

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Monkey Story

Reading newspaper every morning is like stabbing knife straight to my heart. It is very painful to read Auditor's General Report. Every sentence you read your mind will think out aloud. Ah! thats all the money goes. Ah! this ah! that..... but can't write it in this blog or they will arrest me or something. I don't know. I am just an ordinary lady who mean no harm and just want to lead a normal life peacefully. Let God judge and punish what they are doing or did. Why the title is monkey story? Why is it that some managers are typically running out of time while their staffs are typically running out of work? It seemed that everyone in the company needed something from you yesterday, things that might have been important to them but had little time to do with getting your job done.and when you are trying to focus on one matter here we goes you would be inevitably be interrupted to attend to another. By the time you took care of all the paperwork, meetings and interruptions th

Winning the Battle of Life

Everybody want to be a winner in this life. Why did I said that? Most of us work our arse out to earn for living and most of us couldn't get enough with what we own. This is the real fact. That why I can say all of us end up in the L I M O (LOW INCOME MORE OWINGS) Either you are in denial or not but this is the reality of life. Most of us want to be a winner and everybody want to have pride and be on top of the wheel. When we are at bottom of the wheel we will feel inferior, useless, hopeless and the feeling to kill ourself come automatically. We prefer to use easy way to run away from being a failure. I dont know whether people out there agree with me if I said being on top to enjoy the glory is happiness but is not easy. Being at the mid way to the top is no feeling. Being on the way down is sadness. To be at the bottom make you feel like dying. When you are at bottom point or on the way down what should you do? I suggest we face it and dont give up! Just re think re strategise a

Strong hearted Panda

I am doing a lot of thinking these few weeks and days. My mind is full of thoughts from many subjects. When I am at work.... my mind is thinking of something else. Things keep coming into my head while driving to work or back home or when I walk to toilet or sit in the toilet or walk to the lift or stand in the lift or while talking to anybody or while reading the newspaper or while sleeping.... yeah hardly sleep these days. My panda eyes getting darker and darker and I can admit I am panda sibblings now... I made up my mind but still hesitate with my decision. I am just afraid on making the wrong step. Am I daring enough to face yet another tough challenge in my life. Like I said previously, life is like playing monopoly. Everything we work for will go back into the box. But doesn't mean we dont have to work or work harder? We just need to balance up! I have been through many difficult situation. I hope I could go through this with open heart. Nobody know how worried I am right no

Dream Girl Search

Finally, Boss being upfront to me on his requirement for PA candidates. All the while he have been hiding the exact requirement from me. Maybe afraid , I will judge him. Hahahaha... if you never inform me, I already know la.... Rina, I want my PA : * Height not less than 5 feet 5 inch * Slender and fair * Well groomed and not conservative * Fluent in English * Street smart * Can handle pressure * Able to travel and can work independently * Beautiful looking * Hair at least shoulder length * Know how to handle people * I dont need another strong character lady in my office (basically he is referring at me. whatever!!!) * I need soft spoken but firm * Can handle me well. * you should know what kind of person I want since you are the one currently attending to my personal matters. While he is listing down his requirements, my mind is busy thinking - * you mean you want a Miss Universe with Degree is it? * do you mean you want me to find you a Mistress? * shall I start advertise in newsp

amazing Exprerience

Saturday morning wake up for dentist appointment. Yeah my super amazing sensitive tooth make me can't eat for the whole week. Give me no choice but to open my limited wide mouth to my dentist. Diagnose : Previous root canal treatment is not a success. Doc tried his best to put more medicine inside and high chances I have to re do the treatment again. another two weeks need to see him again, Ah! money again. Currently , he settle me with antibiotic in and a temporary filling. Not to forget the 2 types of antibiotic to swallow for 2 weeks twice daily. Oh ya! as normal pain killer to ease my pain. uwaaaaaa benci nyeeeee.... Afternoon , enjoying a Wall Street : Money never sleep. Make me want to be one of them. Be greedy and never enough.Yeah! bad culture. I learn a lot from this movie. one of it is this N I N J A... No Income No Job & Asset. Well, most of us with income and with job but some of us with asset but yet we are at more liabilities than assets. I decided to create anoth

12102010 Happy Birthday

What so special about 12102010? My birth day!!!! Yeay! I am older and another 14 years to reach 50 years. Another 4 years to reach 40. aiiiikkksss..... Early night sms my boss said I am not coming to work. Hahahaha good Manager rule! normally I will post my presents and also what I have done for the day. This year I celebrate in more charitable way. I visited Joy Garden , home for old aging people and retarded children. They are in very bad condition. Even their surrounding full of bushes and place very run down. All of them old age sickness and the young one not so sound in mind. When we (my friend and I) open our car door , we were welcome with few children and few dogs coming to peep on what we bring for them. Lucky ! I brought some cakes and curry puff for them and not just dry food and other basic food. Eventhough, they are not well off they still offer us drinks. I saw few old man eating plain rice with just one fried egg. Ah! not even a soy sauce for taste. huhuhuhuh feel like w

Sunday Afternoon@Levain

Levain Boulangerie Patisserie @ No. 7, Jalan Delima Kuala Lumpur I am Dom... Bran Dom.. Match Box salad Freakonomic??? Jamie?? Jamie getting smaller and smaller or am I getting bigger and bigger??? Shawl from Jamie all the way from Cambodia.... I like the casing Peace Dom Peace no more fight I told you no more fighting... here come my scorpion bite... aishhhhh.. Watch it baby!!!! talk to my hand.... Oh Tuhan!!!! berikan la aku cahaya yang terang... ooppppsss masa depan yang cerah, i mean.. Dry Curry Pasta ahahahahaha.... book again??? ahahahaha book again... Thank you Dom & Jamie... beautiful and thoughtful gift.. i love it Finally .... come to mama come to mama Feminine side of me... ayu tak??? French twist???? or one twisted lady??? Jamie is drowning by the size of both of her friends... I like this shot very much Busy with their gadget.... ready to shoot.... Talent yang sesat over acting expression... cut!!!! you suppose to make that bread look yummy dom... not creepy!!

Sweet Sunday

Saturday is the best and meaningful for me. although I have bad tooth ache yet I still find time to enjoy myself. Pick up 6 books for my readings and went to salon for my hair touch up. Spoil myself with 3 pcs of new shirt. (wicked!!!!) Levain Boulangerie Patisserie - hard to pronounce but once you reach there...owwwhhh!!!! I was bedazzaled with the environment and interior set up. Love love love it... It was pack since morning to the end.Goodness! you will be lucky to get a place there. It is a bakery and pasta theme cafe at one of the bungalow near Jalan Delima behind wisma Technip. Very hard to get parking but they offer RM2 jockey service. I was so happy to find one parking by the road side. But when I get down from my car then one Security Guard of the building next door told me there was a policemen 'summoning' ppl. Whoa!!! then he said to follow him and he kindly opened the barrier at the building he take care and let me park there. And then here come Dom & Jamie, I

Self Worth

my final uploading failed!!!! Very frustrated.... Anyway, today I did some thinking about Self-Worth.... * My self-worth is not based on my performance or the opinion of others * When I make mistake, I am willing to admit it, regardless of the outcome * I dont think less of myself, I think of myself less * I realise it's impossible to achieve enough, gain enough recognition, attain enough power or won enough things to earn more love * I am already love unconditionally Here we go on thought for the day..... I am now planning my weekend and hope this coming will be my special weekend. Just can't wait to doll up myself like French gal go for Sunday brunch at one French Restaurant...... this will be farewell for Dom... sob sob...

Krabi- 4th Day Island Hoping

Shadow of nature 1 shadow of Nature 2 I love this scene and make me wanna....... pose AIGOOOOOOO!!!!! KAWAIIIIIIII!!!!! ehehehehehe Remind me of Thunder thunder tunder catttttttttt!!!! I am thirsty... Happily dancing my day by the beach another rock island? Clear jade green seawater.... beautiful... I was happily feeding the fish and dancing with them...happy happy happy me This is beautiful Hong lagoon

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