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Showing posts from December, 2016

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Benefit of drinking warm Lemonade Xpresh

A warm lemon water energizes me every morning. But most of the time its such a big hassle to get a good lemon, to cut it into half and to squeeze out the juice using the juicer. Imagine to do that every morning when you are busy to get in the car as soon possible to beat that morning jam? Do you have that precious time every morning or even the night before after the late night working hours?  I did that for more than 2 months, though! Ahhhhh....silly me. Most of the times skip it because I can't find the time to do my lemon juice. Recently, found this product called Lemonade Xpresh. WTH! Why only now? Seriously , it save my times and I can now enjoy my morning warm lemon juice even when I am travelling. Goshhhh!!! I wish I know about this Lemonade Xpresh sooner! Lemonade Xpresh comes in powder form and the benefit to drink this is same as freshly squeeze lemon. I just use 1 teaspoon of this with lukewarm water every morning. Taste? Superb! If you are not afrai

Langkawi Island Trip - Day 3 Nasi Dagang Pak Malau

Final day at Langkawi. Since our flight at 3:15pm, we decided to drive all the way to have nice breakfast with beautiful paddy field view. The motel dog was sleeping warmly. I was told the owner found him injured from the jungle behind this motel. Now this dog become the loyal guardian of this motel. He look so lovely! After 44 minutes drive from our motel we were greeted by this superb view place. It was long time this city woman experience this kind of view. That kind of wooden stilt house. mmmmm...remind me of my grandma's house in Kedah. I don't know about my sisters. When it come to food selection , I always kind of selfish. I just choose whatever I like the most and go for it! You sisters! choose your own ya! I enjoy nasi dagang with fish curry here. Its more delicious with fabulous view to enjoy this blessed breakfast! Ahhhh....I feel awesome! Yeahhhh!!! fresh air. We decided to drop by the famous sea world at Chenang. On the way

Langkawi Island Trip - Day 2 Exploring Mangrove at Kilim Geoforest Park

We booked Mangrove half day tour for RM100 and this is the best decision to explore Langkawi. The price inclusive of lunch simple fried rice with chicken and drink. We woke up in the morning and get ready for our pick up van . We had a good breakfast at our motel cafe. Delicious french toast with maple syrup and Roti Jala with Chicken Curry. Thumbs up for Cactus inn cafe. The journey to the starting point of our Mangrove tour took around 1 hours by van. We then were grouped together with some tourist from Latvia, Netherland, Johor Bahru, China, Bangladesh and Singapore. There were 20 of us in one boat. First stop were at fish farm. We were briefed on types of fish and also have chance to pet the fish. There are leopard shark, stingray, barracuda,puffer fish and many more.  Most of the staff here really professional and knowledgeable. Some even bilingual.This is what I am talking about ...Malaysian or Malaysian! I wish these people go further in tourism i

3 Days and 2 Nights in Langkawi - Day 1

Finally , I set foot at Langkawi Island. Yeayyyyy.... It was a short trip which is only for 3 Days and 2 Nights. I would love to re visit here again soon. I took Air Asia flight 7:30am on Saturday morning and come back to Kuala Lumpur on Monday Flight 3:15pm. I will share the summary of my short 3D/2N itinerary soon in other post. Let me tell you in details on what I did in Langkawi on my first day there. I went the with my 2 other sisters. Yes! this is not my usual solo travel.  My first time travelling with sisters because I need someone to be my Driver and Navigator......since this is my last travelling for the year 2016 so I want to travel with a style. I don't want to think much in this trip. I am a Princess on my own way. Don't throw up please! WTH! After pick up our rented Perodua Viva which cost us RM100/day, we drove straight to a must visit place Langkawi Cable car and sky bridge. LANGKAWI CABLE CAR AND SKY BRIDGE I purchase the ticket online an

Travel Tips : Travelling Asia in January

Travelling Asia in January Year 2016 is ending and New Year 2017 is coming soon. For a person who live and based in Malaysia , earnings and cost of living very much effected from recent Malaysia Ringgit weaken. It is hard to save funds for travel passion nowadays. Myself is expecting to stay low in Year 2017. plan at all for time being. Anyway for those who have some extras to travel out and enjoy seeing the other side of the world. Here are some tips on best traveling month for some countries in Asia. Month of January Weather in Asia While in other part, East Asia , a country like Japan, South Korea and Northern China will be experiencing freezing cold weather. Expect dry, warm weather in the Southeast Asia side. Places with good weather  * Thailand * Laos * Myanmar * Cambodia * Vietnam * Sri Lanka Places with bad weather * Japan - certain part still snowing and cold * South Korea - certain part still snowing and cold * C

Final Week 3 - Giveaway December 2016 : Collaboration with D'Kayangan

Hello December!  Soon we are going to say goodbye to Year 2016 and our new Year 2017 will begin. December is always my favourite month because its full of holiday mood and its also season of joy and giving. I started my giveaway in Oct and I continue to Nov. As promised earlier for those who miss out my previous can join my Dec 2016. I break it into 3 weeks Giveaway schedule. Keep following me for my announcement. FINAL GIVEAWAY FOR YEAR 2016 - Collaboration with D'Kayangan Steamboat and BBQ Buffet. 2 winners will be selected and each will win FREE buffet for 4 pax at D'Kayangan Steamboat and BBQ. This generous prize sponsored by D'Kayangan. hohohohohoh Merry Christmas! Wanna win this awesome prize? Complete all easy task given for week 3 below. Week Three Dec 2016 Giveaway : Start date : 15th Dec - 20th Dec 2016 Result date : 21st Dec 2016 via instagram post (so make sure you follow me in instagram) Prize to be won : 2 lucky winners wil

Sisters get together at D'Kayangan Steamboat and BBQ Buffet

GIVEAWAY ALERT! SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST. Last weekend was a long holiday for many of us. Mine just 3 days long. So envy for those who lucky enough to get 4 days off days. Haihhhh...  When I was invited to do a food review by D'Kayangan Steamboat and BBQ Buffet Restaurant in Shah Alan, I was a bit ...who should I bring along? Then decided to bring along the 2 sisters with me. One of my sister has been living in Shah Alam for many years and to find this place is like 'piece of cake' for her. eheh... The location of this place is superb. It is convenient and ample parking space too. The space here also very spacious and can fit many people for gathering. You can choose to sit outside or inside. It will be fun to have it here. Not sure about other review who has done 3 types of cooking here but during my time, there are only 2 types cooking methods which is Steamboat and BBQ. We agreed to choose tomyam soup. Thick and satisfying tasted

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