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Showing posts from March, 2012

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Food is my happiness

appetizer on last Friday night - Ground nuts....sweet and lovely Crystal clear shrimp dumplings - I love Dim Sum House specialty fine fried noodles - shared this with my friend I don't end my Friday meal with dessert but with appetizer???? hehehehe fried squid with spices  Last Saturday morning coffee @ Otak Otak place As usual my choice is Nasi Lemak My friend goes for Roti Jala with Chicken Curry.... hohohohoho Saturday morning breakfast and my kind friend gave me 3 korean dramas yeayyyyyy....... thank you and in return breakfast on me hehehehe  Last Saturday afternoon, another friend want me to accompany him to exchange his animation DVD and we end up having dinner at this Mamak place. He had Nasi Lemak with Squid My choice is Paratha with filling... Seafood curry laksa...can't remember when did I ate this??? Sunday night dinner appertiser Northern style Fried Koay Teow Chicken satay anyone????

Ark Ark

Last Friday, I have another embarrassing moment... What the heck! I was so busy the whole day up and down and to the right to the left... Of course the feelings like ...somebody deserve to be brutally murdered! But of course this just come across my mind. If I spill it over I will end up in jail and waiting for trial now!!! Well... the highlight.... I went for dinner with my 'Have a good life friend' after long hectic and stress working day... I drove into the carpark... I touch my 'touch n go' card.... The barrier open and flung down to the other side... Oh! what the heck!!! My friend and I was like Whoa!!!! My friend was like ruined the car park barrier!!! Oh hello.... me don't even put my hand on it! It just waiting to be spoil... Anyway, here come the parking part...that place was so damn crowded because everybody wanna watch that F1 concert tonight. I just want to eat ok! Found parking...... hohohohohoho need to compete with other pr

Keep me Alive

Great Saturday morning to start with 2 half boiled eggs and 'Cham' - mixture of Tea and Coffee  Don't forget my favourite 'Nasi Lemak' I have a 'greedy' Saturday morning breakfast when I add on Wholemeal flat steamed bread with butter and Kaya.... Tea time at Little Taiwan with Assorted Fruit Snow ice Oolong tea pearl tea...nice!!!!

Waffles Friday

Guess what???? Today is Friday!!!!! Yippppppeeeyyyyyy!!!! Here goes your waffles to all my visitors....kekekekeke mmmm yummy!!!! Tonight SSND will be in KLCC performing for F1. KLCC will be crowded. I wish I could go to 'peek a boo' there...but my 'anti social' characteristic said not to go. mmmmm.....hate those crowds!!!! Anyway all....Happy Friday and have a good weekend!!!!

Anime Hunting

Last week is my Anime Hunting weekend. Latest craze is Anime from Studio Ghibli ... Whoa!!!! you see the list of below from Studio Ghibli.... You see top photo on my damage for the weekend to get almost all the collection... Whoa!!!! Crazy.... This is Totoro (Forest Spirit) I also met few Anime fanatic on top of one of Sg Wang Anime & Comic shop. Of course they are all young and 'babies'. They are all so excited when introduce me the best DVD. They are not even the seller but just a regular customer. Whoa!!!! One even told me about the Cosplay event coming up at Tropicana City Mall on May 20th , 2012. They told me one could spend thousands just for make up artist fees and costume. Whoa!!!! I wish I could turn back time..... If they know I almost 40 years and now only trying to crazy about all these stuff........... Uwaaaaaaaaaa......I will be the oldest one....huhuhuhuhuhu That boy were telling me he will be going as InuYasha

Have a Good Life

I was so out of mind last Friday! I was shopping grocerries for somebody! Yeah! I am now like that Anne H in 'Devil Wear Prada'...Owwhhhh! what the heck! My hand was holding the trolley full of food items while waiting for my milk tea at 'Gong Cha'. Oh! well friend is buying for me. After both get the drinks we go to separate ways. I need to push trolley back to my car ...alone!!! Oh! well.... why a single woman need this trolley full of food items??? Not in my life handling the trolley alone back to my car!!! I just need a basket... ok!!!! I am not good with this stuff... The highlight of this babbling is.... I was saying goodbye to my friend... While saying goodbye eyes caught one lady holding a big box brand 'Herbalife'. Instead of saying ''Have a Good Weekend' to my friend.... I said..... 'Have a Good Life' My friend was like......what? what? Friend : Woi!!!! woman am I not having a good life??? huh

Beach or Waterfall

I am on fire Angry angry to the MAXXXXXX!!!!! the evil side of me is coming out...... if I don't harm any people or things in front of me....  I will go crazy Oh God!!!! I am a happy girl and I don't want to harm people, things or me.... I wish I could leap through time.... mmmmmm....... is it time to unwind my head....NOW?????? shall I send myself to unwind by the waterfall???? orrrrrr.... pretend angel by the beach???? running by beach happily????? Is this a signs??? or  an excuses??? ......for me to go for another unwind trip before I really go crazy and do things I am not suppose to do???? BIG...SIGH!!!!! wink credit to google hihihihi

Jelebu : Cultural Museum

Something new for me found this Cultural Museum in Jelebu Malaysian ethnic with their traditional costumes something history about how this rock make this states have 2 cultures - Perpatih and Temenggung I was walking suddenly my eyes caught woman lying there....phhewwww!!!! I thought it was for real... my hear stop for a moment!!!1 This is the culture for woman who are about to give birth...they ask for blessing and safety before baby born Ethnic custom in wedding time to slice bit of  your bird bird skin boyssssss...on the way to adulthood...this is muslim and malay customs Damn!!! this is another scary sight!!! almost faint when you are walking alone and imagine the whole floor only you alone and suddenly your eyes caught this old scary looking woman standing staring at you....Oh!!!! so nightmare!!! fisherman boat traditional healing process..witch doctor??? King's music instruments old time theater equipment a

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