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Showing posts from July, 2022

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Tried Out Live Stream Hosting and I made a Negative on my first day

  To be honest, being a retiree means I am struggling to keep myself occupied and finding ways to spice up my daily life by trying out new things. Well, this is what I am busy with these days, other than struggling to keep my health better. My health isn't great right now. The ongoing back pain really killing me. My struggle to lose weight is like a never-ending stint. The result isn't good at all. Despite adopting a healthy lifestyle routine from food to exercise, my weight isn't moving a gram from where I am right now. I keep telling myself to stay positive. I need to find ways or find out anything wrong with my internal health. I did the check-up, other than bad cholesterol and gastric, I don't have anything else. Ya! that Type 2 Diabetes is over for me. I am doing good on that part. My back pain is mainly caused by the heavy me. So losing weight is my top priority. Mental health is also important for this. Ever since covid started, I have had less interaction with h

Struggling To Stay Healthy at 40s : I stop Simvastatin

  Why do many people keep talking about adopting a healthy lifestyle? There are many reasons for this. Most of the reasons depend on the individuals.  Longevity is one of the reasons. But this is also subject to God's Will, right? Mobility and better health at a later age? This is crucially important for single people who are not thinking of starting a family. In my point of view, it is your personal responsibility to adopt a healthy lifestyle regardless if you are single or with a family. Don't live your life to pass your burden to people around or the closest.  I have been on and off neglecting my health for the past few years. Recently, back to adopting a strict healthy lifestyle, before it becomes late for me. What is a healthy lifestyle? Well, if you search on 'google', there are many versions of explanations for a healthy lifestyle. I just want to make it simple, here. A healthy lifestyle is only 3 things : Keep your body moving - don't be lazy and stay activ

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