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Showing posts from June, 2013

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Ohoooooo....running man cast is coming to Malaysia. Sorry not for shooting but for fan meeting. They are schedule to meet fans on 7 September 2013 at Kenanga Wholesale City Mall. But my favourite Song Ji Hyo  and Jae Suk not coming. Only Seo Jin, Gary ,Ha Ha and Kim Jong Kook will be here. Tickets are limited to 3,500 and price start from RM180 to RM600++. So for those Running Man die hard fan.....what you waiting for???? This is the time for you to meet your weekly stress release actors. Me??? I am not so die hard fan but I admit can't live without watching this show.hahahaha so conflict statement.


Confession of not so die hard fan of Lee Min Ho Sorry Lee Min Ho... When I heard you are coming for mini concert in Malaysia...I can't help imagine you jumping up and down on the stage. I don't think I want to watch that...why? I only see you as a jumping up and down...mmmmm doesn't suit you. Mini album?? Huh? Thought you just doing cover version on others song... I am wrong... Found out recently you are singing your own song. Your own original song... Listen to your album last night... WTH!!! I am totally in love with your full mini album song. My favourite is 'Without you' . 'Love Motion' and 'Piece of Love' I am totally love your voice and all the songs. Congrats! you mesmerised me with your deep husky voice....another achievement from my favourite actor. Not just your look but your talent is totally DAEBAK! Great work! Waiting for your next Drama 'The Heir' soon.... Published on May 22, 2013 ★


  My Sunday routine nowadays ...determination to prepare myself for company sec license exam and interview next year!   * Wake up on lazy Sunday morning.....huargggghhhhh!!!! lazy mode stretch up...don't ever ask what time I wake up...kekekekekeke... * Simple morning Yoga for 10 minutes * Shower * Do a lil bit of house chores * Cook my simple brunch (normal just vegetable soup enough to keep me full) * Coffee break with favourite starbuck instant Italian Roast black coffee * Bury myself with Co. Act 1965 for 3 hours * Then cook my dinner (yup! early early as 4pm) * Then bury myself until with Co. Act 1965 until 6pm * Start my 5 minutes warm up * Run on treadmill for 1 hour * 10 minutes abs cardio ( doing my own training ....don't ask for result...I am just started this one...only one week ago) * Then laugh with running man show * Shower * Bury myself with Co. Act 1965 for 1 hour * Watch korean drama..laugh laugh cry cry *


One of my FB friend share this on his FB wall. Can't help it to share this to the rest of the world. Myself has been practicing this for almost a year now. So far I can say , a lot of benefit to your body by practicing this simple method.     ~~DRINK WATER ON EMPTY STOMACH~~ It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have prov ... en its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases: Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases. METHOD OF TREATMEN


One of my favourite vegetarian restaurant is Simple Life at Sunway Pyramid. Tried this by accident and become my favourite place ever. Must try is their ramen nyonya laksa and crispy pumpkin wedges. Yummy... Last Saturday, I tried something different....finally I change my choice from the menu...Chingu said my choice always the I want to proof I am not so boring person...muahahahaha... Happy face waiting for food peace life and become vegetarian and don't kill animal! where is my food???? God I don't have breakfast just now and now almost 3pm.... Please use your power and make the cook to prepare my meal first (my selfish prayer!!!) My face ...become like this when chingu scolded me because of my lack of patient... Bad attitude woman!!! My brown rice vegetarian nasi lemak...yeay!!! Chingu eat this black bean ramen appertiser or dessert with this mix fruit rojak passion fruit tea... getting


  This is my first time eating this HAKKA call Lei Cha and this means pounded tea. I saw this dish in HoChak not long time ago. Always wanted to try this...finally after how many years got to taste this dishes myself. Refreshing and I can say that the food is good for your body nutrients. Totally vegetarian.   That green soup is the main highlights here.   Green soup is normally consist of pounded : * tea leaves such as green tea or oolong tea * roasted nuts like mung bean,pinenuts,sesame,soy beans * herbs like ginger and salt to taste   Drink this soup just like that or eat like one meal with brown rice top with small dice mix vegies and nuts like how I ate....   Some people may love with this dish but some may totally no go for this super green food. Me... love it! it just too much munching needed because mostly vegies and grains.   Super refreshing Lei Cha.   I am moving towards vegetarian slowly....I am trying to be kind to


Last week is Zongzi festival for chinese since my friend mostly Chinese so I end up eating this one too... I first tried this when I was working with one of Company where the Boss wife is Chinese and my Boss is Malay. Mostly Zongzi has pork as filling but his wife use chicken. What is Zongzi? This Zongzi is glutunious rice fried with oyster sauce,garlic,soy sauce then wrap in with bamboo leaves and not to forget the yummy filling inside salted egg yolk,mushroom,chestnut. This is my favourite filling. Steamed it for hours until the glutinous rice soft. Serious this is delicious because the bamboo leaves smells.   For the history you can click here  because so lazy to write it here.   My Zongzi, I bought from Jusco and totally vegetarian...oh well they still have my favourite egg yolk in it at least! Cost me RM9.50 each. Bought 2 for my 2 morning breakfast!!!! Of course need to steamed this yourself...who it it cold????   Super delicious!!!!


I don't want to wait for Chingu at the eye centre....3 hours nothing??? Totally not my style! I booked myself at one of famous hair salon called 76STYLE at bangsar outlet. This outlet opened in March this year and their clientele I can say mainly through word of mouth and bloggers. Their various services and hair stylist skilled also , I can say five star! Actually , I want to spend my 3 hours by doing re touch up on my rebonding. Rebonding craze woman.... I was introduce to Victor, my hair stylist for that day. He keep calling me Cinderella when I told him my name is Cindyrina and I need to go off by 12. hahahaha....super fairytale freak! He even joke around asking me about the Cinderella'rabbit when I told him its not rabbits but rats kekekekeke....funny!!!! He told me my hair is too straight and also highlighted to me one part of my hair is badly bend badly due to over ironed and ask me to becareful or it can break. Damn! I may lose p


Two weekends back sent Chingu for eye check up...since it was early Sunday morning so we decided to have simple breakfast near the same area. hehehe...our simple breakfast become not so simple when the price also...Oh wow! almost lunch price for two person...isk isk isk...with all this ...we paid RM28.90.     My choice is hot cham and chingu went for coffee.   chingu's choice is this koay teow soup which he described the soup as sugar water soup...i tried...oh yeay!!! it is sugar water koay teow soup.   my choice is this soft boiled egg...Oh!!! this one reached me super cold...iyuckkkkkssss...imagine eating this cold soft boiled egg early morning???? Not so cool at all!   They almost forgotten about my steam bread....we finish everything and finally this one reached us...thank god...out of above this one came to us steaming least edible for sunday morning breakfast.      Bless Sunday morning breakfast...lovely morning!   our m


  ddeuk   Bought this last I decided to be more adventurous...ddeukbokki for dinner..hehehehehe..   My version of ddeukbokki based on whatever I have in my fridge...WTH   * put water in your frying pan * add in anchovies and dried kelp * once your soup boiled....scoop out anchovies and kelp * add in korean chilli paste and chilli powder * let it boil * then add in mushrooms,capsicum,big sweet unions * add in ddeuk * season with salt and sugar to taste * let it simmer....   the hard work....     my yummy ddeukbokki....WTH!!! Me feel so awesome...!!!


There you go my old time favourite goodies...when I was young...apam chinese called this bak chang. Last, we get this from street vendor and night market. RM1 for 3 pieces...then of course it started to increase more and more.... I love the crispy more than the thick one. Eat it hot with lots of sweet corns and ground nut...OMO!!!! drooling... Now...this yummy goodies...get commercial and make present even at megamall like mid valley...WTH!!! too bad... they don't serve it hot and crispy like those street stall.  


Last Saturday, wnet out for full eye check up!!!! Damn! after they put 3 eye drops to make my pupil bigger...Oh WTH!!!! When I walk outside to chingu waiting  car... I open the door and say..... is that you??? driving the car??? Yeah!!!! yeay... he replied... OMO!!! serious!! no joke...I can't see a thing... too glaring... all too blurrrrr... How is the eye check up??? the statement start with....   Doc : another 2 will be 40 years may need reading glasses... Me : Ah!!!! I am getting old and turning into old woman who can't read without glasses....   Doc: Don't worry! you cornea is good and enough for ilasik...we will leave you left eyes at least 75 points to accomodate to your reading problem glucoma and your eyes is good for ilasik.   Me : owhhhhh!!!!   Me : I read online...some suicide because of bad lasik job. Eyes too dry and become unbearable!   Doc : Don't worry...if you are


My last sis just came back from Korea last month.... That woman enjoy so much travelling around seoul and jeju..WTH!!!   hohohoho... like I never done that....hehehehe except for jejudo le.... next wait for me.... after my foot treatment end of this year....if God give me strength to explore Jeju and Busan...I will come to you....WTH!!!!!   Baby sis... bought me this...lovely!!!! I will use this well.... the lemon essense used it long time ago...kekekeke   my other sis....bought me this during our family trip to cameron highlands...awesome....cute fat tiger!!! just like me...muahahaha   my baby sis...bought me this cute phone strap... awesome fierce tiger...SPARTA!!!! like kookie Ah!!!! I forgot to take photo on the back...awesome that fella gotten my name spell too!!!!   Lovely thoughtful gift from lovely awesome sistassssss!!!!


Last Friday morning went out shopping for some office thingy... I excuse myself ...divert to Uniqlo.....whoa!!!! Limited Offer here limited offer there... OMMMMMAAAA!!!! my favourite pants on limited offer price.... ohhhhh ..I can't resist this matter how hard I pray to GOD!!! The EVIL side seems to be stronger than ever!!!! Muahahahaha.... Grab four colors at once....muahahahaha...MAD woman..... I went to pay...oh well...I end up check out with 5 colors...WTH!!!! Uniqlo cashie said , I am the first person received this blue color bag at KLCC outlet...AWESOME!!!!     Oh   MA BABY!!!! come to MAMA!!!!


One of my friend was hospitalised due to eye ulcer... What??? Eye Ulcer??? The worst is doctor said she unable to wear contact lense anymore. If she still insist then at own risk...OMO!!! The saddest part she has this deep scar inside her eye ball now...and Doc said she is lucky it doesn't infected to her retina... OMG!!! She can be blind... that what the doctor said. She was suffering like hell...with her swollen eyes which left her with more than 2 weeks unable to attend to workplace. Make thing worst she is due to start at new place new office soon. However she is lucky to get thing save on time. I am glad she is fine more contact lense for her...all with that innocent and nerdy look with glass.... ....and I am wearing the same contact lenses like her for almost 20 years now. I consider myself as heavy user of contact lense. Her experience really freak me out!!!! Who is not??? Again...with my impulsive decision...this is what I want...

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