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Showing posts from April, 2015

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Last 2 weeks I am so craving for herbal tea egg. I used to like the one from purple cane but nowadays the smells is so nice but the taste don't have that kick!!  I always have that 'thick' palate.  Long time ago , I boiled one but it taste bitter because end up put to much of 'angelica' powder. My version have that 'angelica' powder, red dates, onion, and goji berries in it. Add in thick soy sauce and boil. This time ,my braised egg turn out so well and deserve a round applause!!! Clap your hand everybody!!!! 'perasan' huh?


L - Lifestyle O - Of H - Healthy A -And S - Sustainability I was invited for Parent's Day food review at Be Lohas Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine Restaurant by BMS Organics last two weekends. Be Lohas is nothing new to me. I am their fan even way before they invited me for review. I am a frequent to their outlet at One Utama.My favourite always the vegetarian curry served with brown rice and soy milk curry laksa. The only different this outlet, the one I was invited to review is at Sunway Mentari Plaza which more like a Vegetarian Chinese Restaurant and totally family style restaurant.So the menu is slightly comprehensive and elaborate suit to family meal then the one at One Utama. Mother's and Father's day is coming up soon! You are still cracking head on where to treat them with a healthy feast? I make you job easier...bring them to  : Be Lohas Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine (Sunway Mentari) 32A-1 , Jalan PJS 8/6, Dataran Mentari, Bandar Sun


Last month I bought L'OREAL Paris Youth Code Rejuvenating Eye Essence with ambitious thought to lighten up my 'dark circle' and improve my 'eye bag' which is coming to look like that creature from Lord of The Rings...well..Gollum! I paid this essence for more than RM70 after reading the box said inspired by 10 years of skin gene research. It says "break the code to younger looking eyes" and " instant efficacy dramatic results". That box has this written on it : * Smooth Fine Lines around Eye Contour * Lighten Dark Circles * Reduce Eyelid Puffiness * Firm Eye Contour * Hydrate Eye Contour One drop  * Fine line are smoothed out. * Eye contour is more luminous. * Skin moisturised One Week : * Dark Circles & eye bags are visibly reduced * Eye features look rested One Month : * Eye contours look younger Do you think this thing works on IMA? Eye bag??? Did you see that double under eye??? Dark Circle???


I was invited to grand launching of Malaysian based Horien Optic (M) Sdn Bhd for soft lens and lens care product called Eye Secret on 11th April 2015, Saturday. The product mainly manufactured by a certified and renowned manufacturer in Taiwan called Yung Sheng Optical Co. Ltd. There are many good and quality products under Horien Eye Secret brand, such  Color Lens , Eye Wears and Solutions. It was an exciting grand launching at One Utama, Oval Court attended by many VVIPs, Media and Bloggers. The event also to introduce to their newly signed brand ambassador, Yumi Wong. Gorgeous , Yumi Wong is a Malaysian who is also renowned Artist in Taiwan as an Actress. Yes! Cindyrina was there signed like a Superstar but don't pose or act like one. Oh! how I wish I have that drop dead gorgeous body like hers. Damn! she's hot! Oh! thats not Yumi. IMA don't know her. IMA saw she signed and then all those photographer swamped to shoot her photo.  ***Face

When I want to travel...

Lately, many people asked me on my next traveling trip. Good question? Sorry! I have no answer for this too. To me traveling abroad is not a habit or a hobby that I have privilege to do it whenever I like. I would rather do it based on my economy level and affordability. I notice these days, many younger generation tend to travel just because other friends are traveling and they want to be in trend. Many of them are traveling at deficit. Don't live your life just because you need to be in that group. Others can fly you wanna fly too! But only fly when you have surplus in your bank accounts not for the sake of this is in trend. The after effect may kill you softly! Seriously, going for a vacation using credit cards and come back from trip cracking your head or starving yourself to pay off the bill in installment is not the way to enjoy your vacation or so called "break"! Well this is applicable to those students who goes places with

Dance and be FREE

Just wanna share on how I normally release my stress or when I feel totally down or lost. I am a human after all. I unable to stay positive all the time since I was born with full of emotion and feeling. Goodness sake...I verified with my Mum. I did cried when I was born. Duh!!! Positive born with emotion and feeling. For me, I will dance to my favorite music when I am feeling lost. Dancing can free my mind. Am I a good dancer??? Ohhhooooo!!!!! Are you kidding me? You don't need to be a dancer or learn dancing! Just to dance..... Pick you favourite song and just move your body . Free your mind and let it drown to the song. And then???? Let you body move it..move it..(read this like that madagascar cartoon song..kakaka) I may be not a good dancer but I could say ...I do have some flexibility to move along with the song. That video is my favorite song to do lyrical dance when I am feeling so down and lost. isk isk isk.. The rhythm and the song is so meaningfu


This treadmill was with me since 3 years ago. I bought it because I want to run at least twice a week. I can't jog around my house area because it will be dark by the time I reach home. Too risky for 'pretty girl' like me. WTH! *face palm* ...please don't vomit blood! kakakaka Joining a fitness center is a BIG NO for me. Why? I feel too self conscious to be around many people. Hate  stranger! I tried but at the end wasted my membership money. Why??? I am too shy to even run on treadmill together with other people. isk isk isk... No wonder live in KL for more than 18 years still no friend. So anti social!!! Yup! yup! that's me... End up bought my own machine....after 1 year plus running and that running belt became like that. Holy Molly!!!! Did I ran on it or break dancing???? ish ish brutally abuse!!! See? See? ish ish ish.. yup ! yup! that zebra feet is mine... I called for maintenance and after painful waiting period and IMA pa


I was feeling unhealthy ever since early this year. Hard to breathe and body feel heavier than usual. 7th March 2015 , I was told to weight myself finally....all this while I have been in denial and thought my weight is normal. I mean not increase....Gosh!!!! should have trust my guts earlier... SHOCKING!!!! 59.6kg....holy @#XX!!!!! Super hippo in the wonder all my pants button exploded when I try to button up! For a month went through strict diet. Many good food to let go. Strong determination and bla bla bla...conclusion is eat less , exercise more. No more nasi lemak or even instant noodles. No sugar or milk or oil. I make black coffee every morning but I don't drink. I just smells it for 5 minutes. Damn! So psychotic act. My heart gave a strong protest for a month of my behavior! Some of my salad and grilled food for a month. I took multi vit and B complex without failed. Forgo my EPO and omega because its oil base supplement. There


I always have problem with uneven and dull skin tone which really make me not stepping out from my door without applying any BB or CC cream on.   Guess, I am that woman who the man beside will wake up screaming because they just saw one ugly ghost sleeping beside him. WTH! *palm cover my dull face* isk isk isk So 'sien' ar!!!!!! I was given the opportunity to try out NEESYA skin care products to revive back my dull and uneven skin. I tested :  * NEESYA Eye & Lip Makeup Remover 100ml - RP : RM49/- * NEESYA Illuminating Essence 65ml - RP : RM129/- * NEESYA Brightening Enzymatic Refiner 75ml - RP : RM69/- * NEESYA Brightening Overnight Mask 75ml - RP : RM99/- Product Origin : Malaysia Paraben FREE Colorant Certified by Ministry of Health GMP Certified Since NEESYA promise "skin that shines from within in just 14 days", I tried this product as soon as it reached me. Now it has been 14 weeks and it helps to revive


Last week, I got to know my mum was crying because she can't bear the pain from her hand and back. Then my dad who also getting weak and slower than before. It really hurt me very much! As long as I am still living, I really wish not to see my parent to grow old in pain. It really hurt if we can't help them but to listen and watch from the sideline. I want them to be happy and leave peacefully without pain. Wish God grant my prayer! The problem with old sick parent, they still thinking we are still kids and know nothing best for them. Their stubbornness is hurting people around them too. I always told my parent they are lucky to have children to help them during the old age and can't they be a bit tolerant to listen to their children now? My parent are inseparable couple. Especially my mum who is spoil by my dad. I always worried, what if one of them leave first? What happen to the other one? Can he or she take it for the lost? Thinking about all this m

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