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Showing posts from February, 2019

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How I found My Misplaced Phone?

I learn a great lesson today. Stay focus on whatever I do and don't be careless. What happens today? I almost lose my mobile phone forever . I was in a halfway skype call meeting with my counterpart in Jakarta when I realize my phone was not with me. I immediately excuse myself and abandoned my meeting. I ran to the toilet which I remember brought my phone there and left it on top the concrete shelf behind the toilet seat. My phone not there! Obviously, at this point, I panic. Totally panic to the extent not sure what to do first. Well easy for us to type out the step 'What to do if you misplace the phone?' In real life and things happen to me like today and realize you have too many sensitive information inside the heart drop. I tried to call my phone using the office phone but it went busy tone. Then ask one of the colleagues to help call me using his phone. It went busy for the first time. Then we tried to ring it again, the phon

Exclusive Althea Makeup Collection Review

Hola!! I am back with more makeup review. If you have been following this blog, you will realize that I am a big sucker when it comes to Althea. I don't heart them for no reason yo! I find them brings me a reasonable K Beauty online shopping store. The price is super reasonable and most brands from the store are carefully selected by the Althean. No wonder they are currently the fastest growing start-up online beauty store. Starts with selling others Brand, Althea for a few years back starting to create their own beauty brand. I am already a big fan of Althea exclusive. One of the best sellers is the Althea Petal Velvet Powder. One of the latest range which I am going to introduce to you in this post. Read on...dear...there is many to discover from this new box reached my doorstep early this month. Starting from the skincare, Althea now ventures into makeup and brings more colour to all K beauty lovers out there. * Althea Palette Sunrise and Moonrise BCL X

Things To do in HuaHin : Into the Wild at Kaeng Krachan National Park

fsefsfss I was determined to visit Kaeng Krachan which is about one and a half hours from HuaHin to check out this untouched National Park and also a border to Myanmar. You can't just visit this place without any tourist guide. So I  hired one private car with a driver to guide me into the jungle. When I reached the National Park area, I feel thrilled. Fresh traced of Wild Elephant is everywhere. I read before if got lucky or rather unlucky, you can witness live panther roaming around. I don't pray to meet one. I must be crazy to pray for one??? huhuhuhuh My tour guide brought me into some simple jungle trekking because I told him my disability to go for a harder trekking course due to a day before I was on a difficult hike. Check out my painful hike at Pranburi .  I have to take off my shoes to cross the Pranburi River to get to the other side of Kaeng Krachan National Park. I don't meet many animals here. Just fresh elephant dunk, a glim

Things To Do in HuaHin : Night Market and Shopping

Current mood totally doesn't feel like updating anything in this blog. My motivation super low to the extent I feel everything going down to drain. Look at my HuaHin trip last December 2018 entry. Super slow to finish. huhuhuhuh Reason? Well...recently change job and the workload is super amazing impossible for a weak mind. Mental breakdown to see all the deadlines which eventually make me feel like I am on the death row kind situation. Damn! So horrible dramatic meh??? Yeah! a bit exaggerated to say it is like a death row, right? To me...this is my life choice. Keep telling to put on that brave face and confront all heads on! isk isk isk..stay mental strong! Back to original post title.... If you read my previous post for HuaHin, this city is more layback and less touristy than Bangkok or any other part of Thailand. They immediately know I am from Malaysia because only AA fly directly to HuaHin. They even play Malay song at the airport during boarding back to KUL

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