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Showing posts from March, 2018

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Simplified Skincare Routines with Bare Essentials by Althea

"I'm a big believer in that if you focus on good skin care, you really won't need a lot of make-up!" - Demi Moore Me too always believe in good skincare for my daily must-do beauty regime to look fresh and slowing down the ageing process to my skin. The 7 and 10 steps skincare routines , once really famous around the globe. But how many of us really have time to follow all the steps. These days many of us are busy with our roles as employee, motherhood, wife, or multitasking for all roles. By the time we have that 'Me' moment....we are almost at 'drop dead tired' to even look like 'drop dead gorgeous'. Sometimes such complicated skincare routines can easily tired your skin. In these modern days, I would say we need to simplify our skincare routines to achieve a similar outcome to our precious skin. Recently, Althea the famous online Korean Beauty store launched their very own skincare range call Bare Essentials . Althea answered all w

Speed Up Your Search for Fresh Flowers with A Better Florist

"Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the soul. " - Luther Burbank Flowers one of the nature's many gift that often provoke emotional responses. I used to have this thought... receiving flowers make me too girly, not cool and feminine and so on. Plus you can't even eat that flowers. the end it wittered and dry up. become useless to me. Then, once I received bouquet of flowers from my Superior on my birthday. I feel soothing , uplifting mood and suddenly feel mind therapeutic by just looking at the flowers bouquet in front of me. Its not wasted to gift someone with flowers. You don't require to be intimate with the recipient. Flowers gifting  are most appropriate for most situation. Moreover, buying flowers should be a happy experience and that all comes down to three things - cost, quality and convenience. So far only one flower delivery in Malaysia   excels on al

Hidden Archeological Gem of Thailand

Continue my Bangkok Travelogue early February trip.... Check my awesome KhaoYai post HERE . After spending my time touring around KhaoYai, I travel back to Bangkok. As I wanted to Kill Two Birds with One Stone (Poor Birdies) I  end up detour to Ayutthaya on the way to the City of Bangkok.  Ayutthaya is must visit place for those who love the historical kind of sightseeing. I would say this place is a hidden archeological gem for Thailand. Same like Bagan, Myanmar which I visited few years back. Ayutthaya brimming with Buddhist temples, monasteries and ancient statues. Some even dating back to 1350. Not as old as Bagan and this place kind of small scales.  Ayutthaya has gone through glory and strife stages. This place is also a UNESCO World Heritage city which is worth for sightseeing. I had chance wandering around the ancient ruined! I wish to rent bicycle and stay around this place. I didn't have chance to visit many places since it requires extensive walking tour

General Guidelines for Renovating Your Home

There are many properties available for sale and for rent in Singapore recently, such as  property in Geylang . If you have just recently gotten a new house yourself and you are planning to renovate your house, this article is for you! I will be writing about some general guidelines for renovating your 'home sweet home'. You are renovating your home? So what ? Just call the contractor to renovate.... mmmmm...isn't that impulsive? You need some planning works to do that. There are 2 options in hand for you to choose : * Engage an ID (Interior Designer) ? At least you less headache. Just leave the the entire process to complete it all the way for you. Start from designing to the move in day. Leave it to the 'pro'. This will cost you more money. * Self manage by engaging with contractors and various service providers. I won't say this will not cost you more money or less money. If you don't manage it properly , this could be a huge disaster.

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