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Showing posts from June, 2014

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This post dedicated to my sis who is trying to start own business. If you are on diet but need to satisfy your snacking pang in healthy can try this full of fiber and nutritious snack. Almond, Pumpkin and Sesame Seeds among ingredient use for this crunchy snacks. It is easy to make this snack but for busy people like me, I rather buy and enjoy it without hassle. Y ou can order this direct from her at : just email her with subject : Crunchy Caramel Order She will be happy to reply you within 24 hours. You try once...for sure you wants it more and more   Read further for nutritious and benefit facts on this delicious snacks. 9 Health Benefits of Almond 1. Reduce heart attack risk 2. Lower Bad Cholesterol 3. Protects artery walls from damage 4. Helps build strong bones and teeth 5. Provide Healthy fats and aid in weight loss 6. Lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after meals 7. Helps pr

PRINCESS'S EAT : Kyochon, One Utama,Malaysia

안녕하세요 Annyeonghaseyo!! Everytime I ate at BMS - that vegetarian organic place next to Cold Storage ,One U, I can't help it but to notice this Yangnyeom Chikin ( 양념치킨 ) Kyochon Restaurant. They have one human sized mannequin whom I mistook him as Bruce Lee long time ago, welcoming the patron right in front of their restaurant. Damn! my bad...isk isk.. The human sized mannequin who surrender himself for heavy molester Ajumma and Agashi are none other than Choi Si Won - the handsome face of use to be super famous amos korean group Suju or Super Junior.  This Restaurant really flew in SUJU to officiated this Restaurant, ok! Daebak! Poor SiWon!!!! I think his nipple also got sunken in by all the pressing.Naughty!!!! Hamsap!!! MalaysianAjuma and Agashi! WTH! kekekekeke...good wild imagination huh? I don't know about smooching,though because I never witness that so far! BMS Organic Vegetarian restaurant just opposite this place and its my favorite hang out place


How is your DASH going??? How to answer this type of question? What does it mean by Dash ? Well...not like dashboard or anything like that. It is about dash of life. Everyone born with two dates. The date of birth and the date of death. All of us know the date we were born and do not know the date of death. It is a reality and confirmed fact that one day we will be no longer exist in this planet. This also same goes with the business began and the business cease to exist. The day of your birth or the inception of your business or the day that you die or the death of your business is meaningless compared to the dash that lies between the dates. THE HYPHEN between those two dates - THE DASH OF LIFE! The dash of your life is yours alone! It is direct reflection of the choices you have made and the decisions you have chosen and act upon. To me it is important to LIVE IN THE MOMENT , BECAUSE LIFE IS FILLED WITH UNEXPECTED. AND HAVE FU

REVIEW : Beatiful Life Beauty Kit

Tadah!!! surprise Beauty Box arrived last week for my first attempt to write beauty review for Beaubox. Beaubox was launched as the world's 1st FULL-SIZED beauty subscription box. What you need to do is just to subscribe and Beaubox promises a minimum of 4 FULL SIZED beauty sets for you and ensuring that you will be the FIRST to try it before anyone else does! My Beaubox for this review is Beautiful Life Beauty Kit.... My Beautiful Life Beauty Kit The beauty box for the gorgeous!!! Waiting to unwrap...WTH!!!! faster.. Left : Jelly Pong Pong Caribbean Sun Bronzer Duo 10g. Right : So Susan Intense Eye Shadow Palette with Coated Pigments 8g. Jelly Pong Pong Cosmetics Caribbean Sun Bronze Duo So Susan Intense Eye Shadow Palette with Coated Pigments * Coated Color Pigments * Fragrance Free * Suitable for oily Skins * No mineral Oils * No Phtalates  * With Grapeseed oil * Non Comedogenic * Hypoallergenic - Made in Italy and Cr


I really craving for simple fried mackerel with turmeric. Co incidentally, we were at Sg Wang Plaza at that time. It was late...due to this Chingu got carried away with his sport shoes shopping.Yeay! suddenly this fella taking up hiking. So need pair of shoes suit for that.  People so free horrrr...go hiking every morning.  No need to work ar Chingu???  Apparently this is work too...because accompanying the Boss! It was almost 9:00pm when we decided to have our dinner at Kopi Club just because the menu have this Indo rice...I guess the name is something like that in the menu. It says the turmeric mackerel will be freshly fried and will take around 25 minutes. huhuhuh..IMA go slurp! I need to order this. Chingu ordered rice with spicy squid and chicken rendang. Both normally never eat dinner this late! But seems I am craving like that....we ate for my sake...muahahaha Chingu's dinner came first. Damn...cold rice with squid which taste like paper. Yeay y


I recently stumble upon this terrific marketplace for individual or businesses who are looking for a landing page type website.  I immediately sign up and explore. Don't worry you can just sign up fro free at If you are an individual or businesses looking for a landing page type website that can easily updated with content stream of fresh content....then PODIDOO.COM is perfect place for you. Plus is extremely SEO friendly. You don't need to worry so much about paying for SEO consultant. You can make use of this marketplace to share you creativity by enabling users to consume , share and sell high quality content. Everything at one place!!!! I wrote to the co founder of Mr Christian Bertolini, on how podidoo gotten its name? He wrote back to me and share ....pods as containers of content, podidoo can also be read as 'Pod I Do' and it sounds blend and nice, playful and French if you pronounce it as podidoo....make sense! I


I never missed to bring along my favourite Mamee Monster Barbeque flavour   and Mamee Cup Noodles Curry and Tom Yam flavour   every time ,I travel abroad. Reason, we are Malaysian taste bud so after few days abroad we still miss the local flavour, right??? Then the Mamee Snack always saves me from ‘Hunger Pang’ while enjoying my sightseeing. I received an invitation from Nuffnang to visit Mamee Chef Factory at Ayer Keroh,Malacca on 31 May 2014.I confirmed my attendance immediately! I visited Malacca like every Quarter once and pass by that factory like many many times. Can anybody just stop by and walk in to have a sneak in to Mamee Factory? Hohohohohoh….try your chance!!! I guarantee you won’t pass that gate easily. If you were me…will you pass on this opportunity? Guess what? I am among 80 bloggers selected by Nuffnang to visit Mamee Chef Factory! IMA so damn happy! Trip Itinerary 7:30am -           meet up point at Mamee Double Decker (M) Be

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