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Showing posts from October, 2013

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Yeah...for someone who always talk about losing weight!!!1 There you go...the glutton side of me... I don't know why ...I was like hungry forever in Macau...after that Kebab, Hot cakes, Salmon Salad and Milk stomach is singing metalica inside...WTH!!!! I was walking back to my room...yeahhhh!!! too tired and hungry...found this restaurant! For the sake of I only have another day tomorrow...I want to try this...     Xinjiang milk tea, Lamien Beef Soup and Lamb dumpling...into my stomach ..that night!!!! There gooooo..... I broke my non meat diet in Macau! Back Malaysia ...I repent deeply! God Bless!!!!   Back to hotel...I heard the fireworks sound...Gosh!!! how can I totally forgotten about this???? I can't be running back out there from my room right??? Some more with my heavy stomach...full of food??? I miss out the fireworks show!!!! There are no more fire works after that during my stay!!!!! So hate my glutton side o


From small alley and peaceful place...I walked towards the main road...yeahhh!!! found this! Havoc!!! full of! eating!...yeahhhhh...this is how the human live!   Forget about the stream of human...under the hot sun ...I walked around while imagining...I am just alone there by myself. I use my 6 dimension thinking...while walking, I imagine myself walking around at Portugal - cobbled stones, colonial architecture and lots of chathederals architectures around.... Oh yeahhhh!!! I am in Portugal...WTH! The heat really ruined my imagination.... so hot!!! I really turned into dark choco brownie!       Egg tarts, almond cookies, ginger candies, grilled pork.. shop shop shop shop and shop...oh WOW!!!! this is life all about is it???? Eat , shop, sleep , gamble and on  and on????   Sea urchin's man!!! he so sporting!!! kekekeke   jeng jeng...remind me of Geum Jan Di in BOF scene...she just came to Macau to pursue Gun Ju


Yeah...finished my breakfast and lunch Kebab! as mentioned in my previous post...I just simply walked around without any definate destination... I found this place called Dom Pedro V Theatre. Beautiful place....really.... While walking around...I started imagine in the past....the people came to this theatre with all those fancy gown...yeah!!! the one like the ballroom dress...whoaaaa!!! wish could wear that too!!!! I imagine too far to the past!!!     This is the first western style theatres in China. This theatre also was said very important since many public events and celebration being held here. I love this peaceful...really make me think back the past!!!   Macau couple is getting married soon...this is their wedding shoot! Beautiful couple! I manage to witness this rehearsal....they are good!!!   Thank you Portuguese Ajumma!!! You take this shot for me! I was in front of St Lawrence Church...then my stomach seems growling too


From Hong Kong to Macau... I stayed 2 nights in Macau. I took speed boat from Hong hour freaking suffering journey. How hell I know ...I have bad seasick until the boat start sailing. Phewwww...the whole journey was flat down on the seat. Bad headache....holding up from throwing up... mmmmm....seriously totally different from what I imagine... I was alright in Phuket and Krabi....and flat down here...WTH!!!     Ah!!!! I just knew ...Guardian called Mannings in Hong Kong and Macau... 'Chegadas' is Portuguese word for arrival....yeahhhh!!! finally I am here!  First greeting receive while struggling to figure out to go to my hotel is.... "are you philipines?" mmmmmm.....I think I am going to receive this more starting from now!!!! ...and yes!!! every where I go here I am philipines to people ...gosh!!!...whatever!!! tired to introduce myself as Malaysia...I have no objection if I am philipines to all of you! Oh!


My HK post just ended yesterday.... Next week will start posting Macau trip. Last Saturday was at Tropicana City Mall for my breakfast and lunch. I met with 2 sets of friends. All from different company ex office mate. Lazy to make few trips to PJ so I end up get booked at same day and different session but same place ...and of course!!! different restaurant.   1st session was at 11:00am at Kluang Station...Thank you to Mama Julie for treating me that morning!!!!! Oh ya!!! my friend Jack is getting slimmer and more handsome now!!!! Yeahhhh!!!! people not even 30 years...of course still presentable...hope not seeing him with big belly in another 10 years meeting. Great to catch up with my friends and start imagining on how to catch up with them if I am 50 years old which is another 10 years from next year. Am I still alive at that time??? mmmmm.... will I be able to drive all the way to meet them to catch up ...or they have to catch me up at where ever I am or t


One evening...after came back from my treatment...I decided to walk around that ladies market...yeah! I was in and out ladies market until wanna throw up!   Ok...back to my story...while walking...suddenly...aiks???? I heard this familiar song and voice was like an angel to my my ear...Male Angel... ok!!! so don't care about others ears... OMO!!! My Wong Ka Kui Oppa???? The late lead singer for Beyond??? Oh gosh!!!!! I was among the crowd listening to his sweet rendition...feeling like Beyond concert!!! huhuhuhuh....really I feel like one fanatic fan... listening to the song until wanna cry...huhuhuhuh...happiness cry ok...I sounded too psycho..right??? Yeah!!! can't blame anyone to think of me like that. But serious ...that fella voice...DAEBAK!!!! huh! so miss my Ah Kui oppa!!!!  that fourth photo...huh! the fella song like my Ah Kui Oppa!!! But not the look....mmmmm...big SIGH!!!! Very talented too... many ways for HK people to earn


Many places to explore near Central MTR. I was there like 10 times in 5 days. WTH!!!! Lan Kwai Fong, Holloywood road where HK's most popular nightlife hot spots, up market bars and wine and dine is there too. Many foreigners!!!   proudly announce!!!! kekekekeke... I've been to this longest escalator too!!! mmmm...not that boring because while taking can flirt around with all those people at the bar... If you see the photo....none of them is looking at me. They are drwoning with their drinks!!!! WTH!!! I am not in the position to flirt...isk isk isk... But to think about this....always flirt with sober people not the drunken one!!! come the nightmare...climbing down the longest staircase ever....after the nice ride in time to flirt ..... Its really hot you know!!! But I saw this man play dress up like this with hats in his hand. I thought he is selling the hats under this hot sun. But then


My HK post will be continued My Rant!!!!!   I ordered some flower basket from one of Myanmar 's florist website . I don't want to mention name but I pointed the link there. Check it out ! I plan for them to deliver on 11 Oct 2013 and me being always the early bird ordered earlier just in order went in on 8th Oct 2013, morning!     This is what in the photo from the website. Very beautiful, right????   This is what they delivered!!!! WTH!!! Judge this yourself! What you see is not what you get! Not even to the closest from the photo! I understand the photo my varies from what delivered...but hey!!!! what is this????? Bunch of junk!!!! Its like flowers collected from the street and throw into the basket...That's it!!!! Not worth of my cash weiiiiii!!! Seriously the quality bloody sucksss!!! The worst is the delivery boy said to the recipient, the sender is from Indonesia and not even say my name....WTH!!!!


One evening after one of my evening microcurrent treatment at Central, instead of head back to MTR back to my hotel room near mongkok.... I decided to get out to see outside the Central Building itself. That evening treatment was the most painful. Yeah.... you see my fake smiling face below???? Gosh!!!! God knows the bruises and the pain.... heart need some O lalalalalala session....   Out of the Central building.... front Lois Vuitton... Gorgio there and there and there all branded places... I got headache!!! WTH!!!     Then saw this cute adorable double decker bus...and....yeahhhh!!!! got to take this cute tram... I read it somewhere...HK have this oldest transportation call Tram and it is electric operating transportation for almost 100 years and one of the oldest. Oh..yeay!!! I just hop in one.... I don't care where this fella going to bring me...I just want clear my head from painful event just now!


How many days in HK??? mmm.... I feel I don't go anywhere at all since the weather is freaking hot. One day after my day treatment...I decided to take MTR all the way to Diamond Hill. No diamond here but the place is like a diamond in the middle of busy city. The 35,000 square metre garden built during Tang Dynasty. Serious this is like an oasis! Lovely park with unusually shaped of rocks and very very old trees, beautiful water ponds and bonsai garden.   I exit Diamond Hill station then can see bus station and next to it is Plaza Hollywood. Then just follow the sign to Nan Lian temple which require me to cross the road.   I bought this Japanese bento for my lunch picnic at this beautiful garden. I ate it near to one of those bench in front of this garden. Dare not eat in the garden scared got chase away...huhuhuhuh...hungryyyy wor!!!!   Serious!!!! Its freaking hot weather!!! Ngor beh tahan liao!!!!   My HK post is not

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