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Showing posts from June, 2011

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Dilemma of Lefthanded

Alarm went off this morning at 5.35am. I tried to wake up but stomach pain plus my head heavy and my left hand feel heavy too. Oh no!!! what happen to me??? I panic! I need to go to work! I try to relax and calm myself down. I waited until almost 7am... Still in pain! What should I do? Especially my arm... how to drive to work? Result sms my officemate I will be on MC. Can't force myself to drive in this condition. I still waited until almost 11.30am to drive to nearest clinic for some medication. Doctor prescribed with migraine pills,vein tablet,nerve relaxation pills,muscle relaxation pills and pain killer. I reached home and currently still staring at that packets of pills and my heart keep saying, eat it or not eat it or not eat it or not????? Too much pills!!!! How to swallow all this??? ewwww!!! Life is sucks with all this tablets to depends on. Doc said I need to relax my left arm and don't use for time being. He said not to think

Research week

Monday started with a wet day. Raining in the morning. I will be busy spending my weekdays with my research on Company Financial and Tax Planning. Feeling like doing MBA studies again.... sigh! More boring subject to me. Hedging oh hedging! Have to study market and see numbers and numbers again..... awwwww!!!! So not cool this week. Yeah! I am so damn lazy to study again and my mind just feel like want to play and play only. Thank God! My Min Ho Drama is airing again this week. Damn! I am in love with him once again..... tall and cool and of course rich with drug money. 3 more days to Saturday.... I can't wait! 2 more months to go for my next adventure... I just can't wait for that too.... Great Wall I will conquer youuuuuuu soooonnnnn!!!!!

Bunch of Looser

Weekend almost over!!!!!! Hate it Trillion times. I was at BV11 for brunch with my ex officemate. Meet with them once in a while for catching up. Most of us will be talking about the same thing whenever we meet. I am looking for job! Ah! that is the most popular phrase! But everytime we meet and everytime we are all still sticking with our job and never change. Why? We want to change but we are all afraid to get our from our comfort zone. Most of the time we keep giving ourselves excuses to stay put. or I can say not determined enough for a change???? We end up just keep on talking and repeating t he same old phrase.... Yeah! bunch of looser including me hahahaha We need to start to act on what we preach!!! but we just can't???? Working day tomorrow??? Ah!!!!!!!!!

My First Kiss

My first kiss??? When? Where? Who? Did I realised it? Well... its all happened when I was 23 years old and while I was working at this one marketing solutions company as Accounts Executive. My boss is a western man and now he is happily married to one of the Princess here in Malaysia. Yeah! not this fantasy Princess but the real Princess. I think he is happily married that was what I heard last time. It is a kiss but just a peck on my cheek. hihihihihihi... I was caught by surprise. He just came back to Office after oversea trip and came from behind and gave me a peck on my cheek. Huhuhuhuhuh... that was my first skinship with man. What is my reaction? Since I was brought up in a very conservative way....I am totally culture shocked! My officemate who are sitting in front of me was shocked too... Her jaw drop. I was so frozen on my chair and hardly move or give reaction. Ceh! I can even felt his saliva on my face....ewwwwww.... dirty dirty ... Of course for my Boss it was nothing at


Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of the one you love, is by far,the truest type pf love - confucious We could watch this act in movie but in real life how many dare to act in such a way? Just finished watching City hunter Episode 8. Heartbroken and painful to watch my Min Ho almost bleed to death to save his so called woman in that drama. Uhuhuhuh... can't wait for Episode 9!!!!! Min Ho faster go shoot the drama day and night ... I want to know the ending.... are you going to be dead because of that woman you love??? Ok enough with my Drama freak for this week... yeah! I can be annoying sometimes!!! ooppppsss!!! most of the times I mean :) Forgiveness is the Ultimate sacrifice - I can't remember where I read this quote. I don't think I am noble enough to act according to both quote. How many of us have big and warm heart like this??? Very rare breed indeed! My heart will be more stubborn and will not forgive people and keep thinking to plot on


As usual settle with morning coffee for breakfast. No solid food since my appetite gone for vacation! I was so sleepy head this morning and almost knock myself out on my steering while driving to work this morning. Huaaaarrrrr!!!! I was expecting for chaotic week and I am just not in the mood to face any of this nonsense.The severe pain on my arm and my whole body is getting worst. I could not say I am lack of exercise since I exercise almost everyday now. My hand goes with cracking sound to every movement I made. Ah!!!! I need to buck up with that milk consumption or all my bone will be gone like a milk powder soon. Our body is like an old house or car. The longer it is the higher the maintenance. Maybe need to go for some overhaul? One of my friend who I dare not mentioned to him on his symptom of aging which he do not realize. He tend to drive recklessly and speeding very fast. Well it is more sort of impatient style. I was so shocked when I sat on his car last weekend.

Cruising Weekend

I always waiting for weekend. I believe I am not the only one!! I decided to explore Putrajaya Lake. I took the cruise and enjoy the beautiful view of Putrajaya on Saturday afternoon. My photograhy skills is sucks!!!! so the photos too!!! hahahaha.. In reality the scenaries is more beautiful... Saturday Lunch @ Sekinchan Grilled Fish Restaurant. I am the first to arrive and their first customer for the day. Saturday Brunch!  Pay RM20 and enjoy the magnnificient view for 25 minutes... worth it!

Half year

Half year almost gone soon! What have I achieve up to now? Not much... many things need to straighten up. My time here almost done , though... hopefully I could use this place as my case study and list down as my portfolio for my consulting job. These 2 weeks is very tiring...every day about sitting there solving problems and trying hard to get myself in the game without putting my team and myself in danger. We sit down we strategize in each emails came in. We planned our reply as safe as possible. It 's all about get yourself involved in this political game. So far when the team work is strong we still manage to 'Tai Chi' in and out. Fighting!!!!! Talk about management ? I think I familiarise myself well with this game....hahahahaha (laughing with wicked witch style) Aigooooo!!!! next week will be another hell week when that idiot will be in and another idiot coming back end of the week too. We can't run away but to face this people!!!! You will face your

City Hunter

My new Hot wall paper.... o la la la.. Below my is personal view only and if don't agree please don't comment further and leave me alone.... why??? because this is my space duh! (yeah yeah me with my childish act..aigoooo) When I almost forgotten Go Jun Pyo from Boys Over Flower  here comes that cool image appear again in front me:) Lee Min Ho still hot!!! hot! hot! I have been waiting to see another side of Lee Min Ho acting skill. What can I say , he is still cool though! New drama and still on going filming. I have watched up to episode 6. On 13th June 2011, Min Ho involved in car accident during filiming. No major injury, Min Ho back to shooting set the next day! Yeah! this man really show his professionalism. Salute you! Work hard while you still young and hot! City Hunter drama based on Hojo Skasi comic. It is all about revenge, action, love,romance,jealousy,killing,plotting,conspiracy. Up to episode 6 , I still can see the sterotype act from him. However

Blur Saturday

Love it! Weekend!!!! Yeay!!! Yesterday half day was a great day! I manage to go to 2 bank and pick up my both cars registration cards. Yeay! I achieved something yesterday. I still have many times left before it gets to late night. So decided to go for movies marathon. X Men : First Class and Super 8 in a row. hahahahaha... crazy woman on the roamed last night! Satisfied Friday!!!! This morning ,I plan to do many things but at the end I don't achieve as much as I want. I drove to car wash with hope I could get my baby wash up. Yeay! due to my lack of patience,I end up not washing my baby for almost 4 months. I hardly can see what is my baby's color anymore. Reached at car wash and saw many cars lining up! Ah! baby forgive your mummy she just don't want to spoil her whole day waiting to see you get wash up. Some other time baby! Then I went to my usual saloon to touch up my springy noodles hair. I was told I need to wait for another 20 minutes. Ah! me w

Lazy Friday

"Today I don't feel like doing anythin' I just wanna lay on my bed Don't feel like pickin' up my phone So leave the message at the tone" Hahahahaha Lazy Song from Bruno Mars The real fact .... I don't have the choice above. I need to wake up early from my bed and go to work earn cash to live in this world. huhuhuhuh... Anyway, I am glad today is Friday!!!!!! Yeayyyy!!!! I am on half day leave today. Later going out to collect my car registration car from Finance. Finally! I settled my car loan. Yeayyyy!!!! I have one more car to gooooooo.... ah! this one will be another 5 years to go. arggghhhhh!!! Last night dinner was Goat dinner equivalent. Plain salad without any dressing. To be exact I ate fresh leaves!!!!! So suffer to loose weight. This morning settle with half chappati for breakfast. My black coffee I brought from home, I left in my car at Basement 2 car park. Ah! so lazy to go back down since I am going on half day leave later

Envy them

I always wants to loose weight. Who doesnt want that? I was working hard nowadays. Eat 3 meals a day and exercising for 30 minutes every evening. Cant afford for one hour . :( But I feel I am bloated even more than before. Maybe the exercising part. Ah! need to increase more. I was looking for korean girl music group diet and routine. I came across SNSD girl group diet. Ah! can I do that? Breakfast * Sweet pumpkin, cherry tomatoes,puddings Lunch * Lemon, tomatoes,veggie salad Dinner * Watermelon, pineapples,shrimp salad Their food intake is 1200 cal per day. They then go through their dance routine from AM to AM. No joke! The result is the perfect abs of Yuri and great 'S' line for all of them. Ah! they are working really hard. Make a lot of money but they dont really enjoy food. They look very skinny. Me too want to follow their regime but too difficult for self control. I will tell the world if I have that kind of self control and loose weight.

Wearing Mask

Tooth with tooth Eyes with eyes Conspiracy with conspiracy Shall I apply this here? My question is what is in return for me? Power? More money? Happiness? I dont want all three. I dont need them. Shall I start scheming again and bring out evil side of me to work? Shall I start to use a the truthfulness and use this to eliminate this junk here?


How to resist this temptation? I am talking about Ipad2...... Tempting to order online that 32Gb Gadget from that Apple Store! Can God give me more strength and don't make me loose again this time? I love school holiday. Traffic was smooth like jelly. I like it ! I like it! ahak ahak...:) Boss not around! Time to lofting around.. kekekeke yeah! yeah! as long as I can deliver good result anything will do. Read an article about that covered woman who want all the wife in Malaysia to act like a prostitute in front of husband. Aissshhhh... she better go find something better to get famous over night! Maybe her statement was misinterpreted by the media. We don't know! Whatever it is all woman in the world, please get your feet together and put your head up. Your husband is just a human and they are not God. Come to your senses and  live as individual like normal human did! My Eel Jang Keun Suk was here last week. It was late when my friend told me he has 2 tickets to J

My Weekends

I have been lazy for quite sometimes.. lazy to upload my photos and many more... I realise most weekends I hardly at home for personal time. I need to do that next week. We will see whether I could stay still at home next week... ehehehe.. Most my weekends outing full of food enjoyment time. Yeah! I can't blame anyone for my bloating like balloon body. Trying hard to loose weight though! I know this is not easy task but not impossible... Thank God! Sunday afternoon I manage to get my own time ... while working out with my Hip Hop work out Videos and Fat & Burn Belly & Abs workout DVD... meantime uploading photos and posting entry into my online diary.... Very good sunday indeed!!!! Find myself multi tasking and listening to Iron Maiden Phantom of Opera Album.... wow!!!! I must be crazy!!! Here goes photos of my weekends food from previous one too! Crispy spring roll .. ...mmmm yummy!!!1 Sunday tea time @ Dave Deli Owwhhh!!! this is my favourite H

Hell Week over

Ahahahahaha.... yes! that is how I celebrate my weekday is over and my weekend is coming. wuhhuhuhuh.... this week my working day is like hell! Yeah! temper over the top! I am glad manage to survive this week. I learned many things this week. Honesty is good but it can be dangerous. The thing about me is I am too truthful . Ah! not to my advantage at all this week. I was caught in meeting with one Japanese man, a China man and Myanmar man in the afternoon just now. All of them kil klu kli klu in fron of me. Earlier morning with one Malay man and one Chinese man. Ah! meeting meeting meeting I am fully tired and keep swallowing my yawn. People bli bla bli bla in front of me and I am nodding my head and my face is trying to show my interest but I failed though hahaha .... I just look too tired. Tomorrow going to meet friends for breakie early morning again and then off for my property seminar. Well I don't hope to be a millionaire but enough to support my golden years. Y

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