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Showing posts from October, 2012

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Cycle of Life

I went back to home town last weekend.. Brought parent for grocerries shopping ... While all of them busy shopping...I went on to snap photos on these dead ones... God Bless 'em!!! While snapping ..I felt sorry for eating this dead ones... I am sorry....   I don't eat meat I ate this... I don't eat this.. I ate their sisters and relatives and brutal killer ar me?   Reason of this I need to remind all of you...we are killing other creatures in order to survive...this is what we call survivor game...   Enough of horror....let visit the green...   My place there is famous with oldest trees and beautiful sceneries...this tree is from Taiping Lake Garden...Daebak!!!

Tripping Princess

I embarrased myself again yesterday morning. Big sigh! Early morning woke up ...with blur mind...mmmm...not weekend yet??? Owwwhhh!!! I need to go to work this morning. Owwwhhh! I need to drag my luggage and mummy's supplement to my car because I am not coming back here until Sunday morning. Then ...when I was walking downstairs to my car... One level I insist to myself I need to exercise down ,so don't take lift. Here the action drama goes.... There is this lady (yours truly) walking down the stairs through emergency exit door. One hand drag down luggage gedebum gedebam .... The other hand carried down the bag with full of manga story books...I think around 20 books. Add to this bag is 6 bottles of parent supplement which I bought from Guardian. (owwwwhhh...Angel daughter,huh?) One shoulder with my oversized handbag. Just imagine how heavy the load is..... No more hand to open the door. As usual my not polite attitude way... I kick open the door wi

Ah...this is the feeling..

  Ah...that slit eyes woman again??? Selca..again!   Deepavali coming soon..    Check out for thick jeans at Uniqlo...ahhh.. I am too fat for their design..look so pumpkin or jackfruit to be exact...mmmmm  thought wanna go massage but end up that Chinggu want this Ding tea... I don't like this cold stuff...mmmm..too childish for me to drink this... I prefer professional latte? Chinggu said...feel like wanna kick my butt...ah! whatever!!!1 I want to be snobbish ...cannot ar??? I just want that feeling...  I want to get that spagetti strap we went to Sg Wang roof top... Since over here mainly youngster place... Chinggu were saying most of the people here is half our age and some can even be our teenage daughter or reply with confident face to this statement is... Oh! well ...I think I look younger than them... I got 'baby face' what...see see... Chinggu said wi

Stalker Story at The Loaf

Love bread at The Loaf ...have this with mug of latte...I can sing O lal lalala.. Couple of selca snapping...cheh.....this slit eyes woman again? Today wearing 'smurfing blue' tunic from Weather is so freaking hot...I am lazy to walk out from this place. Enjoying the view from my seat....mmmmm while my mind keep playing my own story from each person I saw and pass in front of me....So free ar me??? Guess ... I am totally in lazy mood now... No more challenge in life so I am becoming like this... life has been very hard and now when it become so easy...I am thrill on what is coming I decided to play lazy while I can and enjoy the time with this limited time...what am I talking about??? Hell!!!! I don't know.... Hey you... not hot meh??? So lonely ar? Sg Wang top is it??? mmmm....let me guess... RM25, RM10 and RM19??? Ah....Chinggu said this one is 'Ben Affleck'??? Crazy ar

Oh My Ride

Last Sunday was rolling rolling like spring rolls on my bed. As usual Sunday, ma...lazy le.. Then my heart keep telling me to bring my ride for inspection although the next service is like one more month to go. mmmmm....must follow my heart...urgghhh! but lazy to wake up ...wor!!! how??? Then my heart said something bad to like white angel and black angel arguing inside my head... White Angel : If car broke down when you are travelling ? how??? you going to cry in middle of highway ar??? Dark Angel : ride tip top condition...cannot be...sleep more better... White Angel : Fine! then if suddenly your ride water dried up...don't call me to help huh! Dark Angel : ok ok ... lets go now... Here I am on Sunday morning went to see the mechanic and ask for full inspection for another road trip at wee hours on Friday morning. Guess what the mechanic said to me... Mechanic : Aiyooo.... Ah Moy!!! lucky you ask for full inspection wor... Me : Why

Entertain me please

Picture explained it all...huh? Don't know la...feel like going for holiday but need to save for next year medical treatment. now leave me with this boring mood... Anybody wanna surprise me???? You are welcome!!! Please surprise me until I fainted...can ar???? Thrill me... please!!! Another psycho post from me... ehehehe


Yeah... title is enough to tell everything...shall I continue writing or stop just right here??? Still asking this stupid question to myself... so self conflict! This few days, starting with my pinky finger on my left hand then the swollen travel all the way to my knee then to my shoulder then there and there and here and there...MY GOD!!!! Hurt to even drive to work and carry thing... So hurt like wanna break all my bone. drama queen huh! But finger swollen... I thought I allergy but then I realise this so called self claimed 'Sailormoon' , 'Power puff auntie' and 'Wonder Auntie'...OMO...almost left out another title...'SUPER Auntie'... forgot to re stock the Glucosamine supplement. Didn't have this for few months and the result is.....jeng jeng jeng almost become that 'rock auntie'....stiff here and there...pain here and here. This week every morning woke up totally like auntie 60 years old. Put


My laziness towards house chores....totally more than everything in the world! Ask me to choose between sitting in front of computer vs sweeping the floor. Who will choose that sweeping the floor??? Who? Who? Tell me....who is he / she???? I invite him / her to come and sweep the floor for me. Ask me to do dirty dishes..... mmmmm... I rather throw all in the dustbin...owhhh serious!!!! I can't even find one decent spoon last night! mmmm... lucky I have disposable standby at home! isk isk sad with this woman laziness! No wonder she still alone until now... Deserve that WOMAN!!!! Ok back to the story.... Discover 4 boxes of illegal VCD piling inside my room. Once upon a time when illegal VCD and DVD is famous and you can get it from night market at 3 for RM10 of something. Now....crazy over downloading free movie online until computer got hang! OMO! I am dilemma here.... what to do with this???? Want to carry down? OMO! me carry down this thing? Heavy


Omo! since I exercise like 'mad dog' and diet like 'horny cat'.... I am addicted to shop for more and more and more clothings. Mad dog? Horny cat? mind my language!!! Oppppssss!!!! I just wrote in whatever came to my don't mind me just read further...k? Shopping??? Yeah! totally crazy over fashion...which I mean korean fashion style. Am I fashionable??? Hell no! Just like one...though! whatever, huh??? As long as I  am happy...  mmmmm.... korean fashion mean I need to have body like them... Oh! well.... at this age with this metabolism rate.... take me ages to reach my goal!!!! I ran 15 minutes...feel like 15 hours...OMO!!! serious!!! I sweat a lot for 15 minutes and I think ...Oh yeah! my fat melted ledi... So I stop...because if I run further then not my fat melt but my meat then my bones least I have 'bimbo theory' there... So called determination to loose weight I have wo

Birthday year 2012 - 12.10.2012

I woke up with positive mind... Today is a special day! I want to have a humble birthday this year!!! Eheh! like I have grand birthday in past year....hehehehe My initial plan is this year to celebrate in another country like seoul.... ohhohohoho...talking about humble a second ago and now I am bragging...huh? Talking like all this no need money, huh??? Anyway, due to some reason...I am here in Malaysia and do it my style.... hehehe not 'Gangnam style' but 'Rina style'! Gangnam style too expensive, wor!   Chinggu due to fly off to Xiamen the next day.... The whole day on 12 Oct 2012, I have my personal driver....yipey!!! so called humble birthday huh       Start my day with shopping for grocceries to give out to Joy Garden Old Folk home near Semenyih.   I don't even have time to grab some breakfast for myself...isk isk... anyway good cause comes first! Love to see the happy face...I bought them buns too!!!!    Then h

Eve Birthday Bash Dinner - Ben's KLCC

Its Monday!!! Wet Monday... When I woke up this morning with rain sound...OMO!!! The first thing came to my mind..... Why???? Why today is not Sunday or Saturday??? Why??? Aissshhh!!! force myself out from my bed. Orange blanket....I miss you warmness!!! Red blanket!!!! I wish I can bring you to my office...ok ok ok..DRAMA Queen!!! stop it! With lazy ass...dragged myself to shower room...uwaaaaa cold!!! bbbrrr...   Talk about the wet Monday monring traffic jam??? The jamness???? urgghhhh!!! enough to right feet numb driving to work....OMO!!!   Ok ok enough with my blabbering....   11 Oct 2012 at Ben's KLCC with 2 colleagues for my birthday eve dinner     My colleagues both ordered this fresh orange and water melon with lychee drink Me??? I don't really order drink when I eat out! I don't really like sweet drink. Prefer plain water!    Onion ring that make all three of us complaining on Monday morning

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