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Showing posts from July, 2014

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Many of us wish we can turn back time.  Everyone knows this is bloody impossible! Yeah! What different can you make anyway if you can turn back time? I was asked this question last 2 weeks...WTH! The question was totally unexpected. It left me scratching and cracking my head hard. Thinking hard how to answer this question make me frowned hard! Damn! Must be an ugly sight for that woman to see me that way. Anyway, the first response blurted out from my mouth without even thinking carefully.... "Can we really turn back time?" "Is it possible?" "I don't want to go back to old time!" "I don't want to change anything!" "Pass is pass!!" "Let us move forward!" "why want to think about something impossible??" "Why?" Why?" That woman who asked me the question...frowning uglier than mine...kekekekeke "I never met somebody response me in such a way


I am typing this entry while watching 'Sailor Moon'. Yeah! my favourite heroic Serina the Sailor Moon and I adore her since I small kid. Guess what ???? My previous dreams is to be Sailor Moon. WTH??? Before I get excited and carried away with my Sailor Moon story.... Let me just pour out why I just missed my chance to be Super Famous for the wrong reason like KIKI THE STEERING LOCK ROAD WARRIOR from Kuantan. Yesterday afternoon went back home early. Cindyrina the Sailormoon happily drive home.....shalalalalalalala... my heart singing and the radio is playing Sudirman the 'Balik Kampung' song. I sang along happily the happy festive song. I was queuing up at the toll plaza cash lane since the smart tag lane seems not working and long queue. Then while humming away to Bruno Mars song....ok don't laugh. I was humming away for the Will You Marry Me song. kekekeke My eyes glance at the rear mirror and saw this one Kancil drove fast like he is not braking at all


Today long weekend for some of Festive goers! Me still working and only start my holiday tomorrow. My portable steam sauna safely arrived from after 5 working days. Reason I bought this? I have body water retention problem. I work out but very difficult to get sweating. I drank plenty of water with the exception during fasting month. I only manage to gulp at least 3 glasses of water a day during fasting month. Big problem for my body! I think it is worth it to spend some for health reason so I bought this new equipment from I am a bit dissapointed with my order handling : 1. Item came only after I check with their customer service. No order status update after 3 working days. 2. The invoice in the box is meant for somebody else. I believe mine has gone to other people box. So annoying when my personal details such as full name. address, contact number gone to total stranger. Lazada need to be more careful in handling such


No doubt the Hallyu Waves is HOT around the world and Malaysia can feel the heat too ever since Winter Sonata, Full House, Boys Over Flower, My Love from the Star and many others to list down.  IMA one of those crazy Ajumma (head down, I am one old woman Hallyu Waves Fan) ...joining all those Gen-Y fans jumping up and down to Hallyu Waves. CN Blue, Big Bang, FT Island, B1A4, Beast, EXO, MBlaq are among this Ajumma long list favourites.  Korean Cultures totally influence my lifestyle too! Gosh! this Ajumma....isk isk isk I am happy to give this shout out!!!!  Korea Tourism Organisation (KTO) will be organising an exciting event called K-Festival @ Pavillion KL ,Malaysia dedicated for local fans of the Hallyu or Korean Wave this 8th - 10th August 2014. It is during weekend everybody!!!! Golden Triangle will be damn pack and congested with all those Hallyu fans!!!! For those who are not into the waves....AVOID this place during these period and for fans.....let us c


Late June this year, I met up with this old man who I look up the most. He text me for coffee. Its not like I look up at him because of everything positive about him. I look up at him because I learn a lot from him to compare with other people I had met! Among of his words makes me remember until now, " If you want to be stand out, always swim against the current " " Other problems are our opportunity " " If you are expecting different result, try other method to solve you problems " " Its all about system" This is just part of what I am believing.... Yeah! I once met this psychologist and when I told her about him , she said I was 'brain washed'! Hahahaha...yeah! I could say that I am 80% agreed with her! Back to old man, he told me in our recent meet up that he think he is in the wrong business. My response to him, was like.... "Hello!!!!! you made millions of ringgit out of this business and loo


Hello Gorgeous Ladies!!! Festive season coming next week!!! 'Open House' visiting tradition awaiting for all of you to dig in with all those good food and 'raya goodies'. For Muslim friends who has been fasting for 30 days you find yourself losing some weight.  Your happiness won't last that long.....SIGH! IMA talking about IMA!!!! 'big sigh'!!! All those good food during Raya, the 'ketupat' with awesome 'rendang' cook by Mummy and fabulous raya cookies baked by beloved sisters......totally hard to resist!!!! I am talking about lost 2kg during 30 days fasting month could easily double up that amount right after 'raya'! WTH!!!!! I am facing this situation right now!!!! Slimming is not just about looking good but also to live life healthily! Let us consult the expert for this! So for those who feel so helpless like me and wish to lose some weight after digging in too much food during this coming festive seaso


Let us start our Monday with supporting underprivileged children to live their dreams through better education! Amante Nail Spa a superlative spa for women housing popular beauty and wellness needs will be hosting a one-day Amante Charity Fair on 7th September 2014 from 10am to 6pm. In conjunction with this fair, customers can purchase the Amante Cha ... rity Coupon booklet for RM35 . Inside the booklet has 7 X RM5 cash vouchers where you can purchase treatments, activities, food and games at Amante Charity Fair and BONUS thank you RM88 Hot Stone Massage treatment!. Proceeds from the Amante Charity Fair will be donated to GOOD SAMARITAN HOME – Home for Children in Malaysia for their education. Friends!!!!!  helping to raise funds for this home would make learning possible for students of all ages, from pre-school to graduate school, providing basic education to those who need it most. Princess Cindyrina would like to invite you to come Amante on the 7th September, 2014 at Am


Wanna visit South Korea for free this October and November? The Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) has launched a new event called “To:ur Imagination.” This special promotion was created to encourage foreign tourists to have more interest in visiting Korea and has already been endorsed by stars from across the globe including Big Bang (Korea), Mario Maurer (Thailand), Xin Jiang (China), Ebina Kenichi (Japan) and Michelle Phan (U.S.A.). Some of these celebrities even visited Korea and videos of their trip are shared on the To:ur Imagination website. To participate in the event, simply visit the To:ur Imagination website and describe what you want to do when you visit Korea. KTO will then select 8 grand prize winners who can take a guest of their choice on a 4-day trip to Korea in October or November. In addition to the grand prize, other prizes such as an iPad mini, signed Big Bang CDs and more will be given away! To be eligible for the event, participants must post their


Its fasting month, very tempting for me to post the food photo. Focus for those who are fasting. You see no evil and hear no evil! kekekekeke (wicked laugh) A simple recipe which I created for my breaking fast,single woman like me need this quick and simple dinner: * Cut potatoes into wedge and boil it for a while to half cook then strain the water. * lay out aluminum foil to your baking tray. * Lay potatoes onto aluminum  foil * Add in cut zucchini and cherries tomatoes * sprinkle in onion powder,black pepper, Italian herbs and salt to taste. * shred Kraft cheddar cheese * add in some olive oil * baked for 15 minutes Go and take shower and when you done. Walahhhh!!!! dinner is served! Oh!!! I can't believe I can be this creative!!!


I have been using the same brand for the last 20 years and recently decide to go for a change. mmmm....this is all because that hard sell sales person la. Yeah yeah my blame game has started! WTH! Anyway , it is a the same price. So? Why not just to give it a try? No harm since this one apparently better spec. Introduce to you ProVision55 from Cooper Vision, US. RM60/3 pairs/Box Can last for 3 months since this is monthly disposable soft lenses. I think can get lower than RM60 if purchase for a year stock. overall packaging just same as my previous favourite brand. I have been wearing this lenses for almost 2 weeks now. I could say there are some difference between the previous one. ProVision55 make my eyes more moisture and best of all easy to put it into eyes and take it out later on. This is important to me. Clumsy person like me need all this convenient. There was many times....I spent almost one hour tying to put in my lenses. Seri


Woot! woot! received my bag of love in early July. I took quite sometimes to write since I need to try out the product. Not like the effect from the product is like magic so it took sometimes. They have everything travel size and samples of beauty product and vouchers in this beautiful eco friendly bag. That is why it call bag of love! WTH! Let me introduce one by one of this items. Derma Master Gold Eye Mask, Full-Sized All you need to do to apply this on your eye area.Don't forget to clean your eye are first. I applied it after using my eye make up remover then wash face with my normal daily cleanser and apply some toner. Apply this eye mask and relax for 15 minutes while listening to my favourite band CN Blue. After effect??? For inheritance 'panda eyes' like mine??? mmmmm..... no beauty product works like magic! I could feel my eyes area feel more moisture and fresh! 'Panda eyes' ...of course it still there...its inheritance

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