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Sisters get together at D'Kayangan Steamboat and BBQ Buffet


Last weekend was a long holiday for many of us. Mine just 3 days long. So envy for those who lucky enough to get 4 days off days. Haihhhh... 

When I was invited to do a food review by D'Kayangan Steamboat and BBQ Buffet Restaurant in Shah Alan, I was a bit ...who should I bring along? Then decided to bring along the 2 sisters with me.

One of my sister has been living in Shah Alam for many years and to find this place is like 'piece of cake' for her. eheh... The location of this place is superb. It is convenient and ample parking space too. The space here also very spacious and can fit many people for gathering. You can choose to sit outside or inside. It will be fun to have it here.

Not sure about other review who has done 3 types of cooking here but during my time, there are only 2 types cooking methods which is Steamboat and BBQ. We agreed to choose tomyam soup. Thick and satisfying tasted too.

I don't give so much of high expectation when coming here. ....but..I was surprise by its varieties of spread to choose from. All fresh and delicious.

Look at the seafood selection. I can't even fit all in one photos. Clams, mussels, cockles, crabs, squids, fish on the stick marinated well. No fishy smells at all.

Even the marinated items for BBQ look delicious , right? It is delicious and can feel that the chef really made it from his heart. They have many types of fish like small mackerels, stingray, chicken, beef and many more to list down.

Even this selection make you can't help it but drooling and craving for a nice hot steamboat and BBQ time . right? The even have brownie from line for you to eat. ahahahaha...who will be able to bite that adorable brownie face?

Countless selection of fresh vegetables to balance up your diet.

Love it because the vegetables super fresh here.Unlike other steamboat restaurant this one really choose delicious types of vegetables to present to their customers. Sorry la...I can't list down the vegetables name because I don't know many of it. I just ate it. WTH!

Time to dig in....We love the fresh clams here a lot. That bamboo clams is very rare for you to get but they have it here.

The squid and fish also won our heart.

I wish to have room for some noodles to add into that sweet and spicy soup but gosh...guess I overate the seafood and meat earlier. They have many types of noodles for your selection too. But end up throw in some fresh vegetables into the tangy super kick tom yam soup. Delicious!

They even have many types of sauce for you to choose. Here are some of my selection. I love the spicy bird eyes chillies with soy sauce.

After all those full of spices food. Cool down your throat with sweet and creamy ice creams as your dessert. They even have ice monster but during my visit its almost out of stocks. I end up choose a cup of 'teh tarik' and ice creams. They do have fresh cut fruits too.

By the way for those who think eating steamboat and bbq don't fulfill their hunger pang can go to the fresh cook meal like fried rice, chicken rendang, fried noodle and koay teow too.

One of the kids in other table is having a birthday lunch. The clowns just made her day. Sporting clown posing for me. Hope he make plenty! I normally afraid of clown but his make up not so scary for me. Just nice and adorable especially for this big kiddo. ahaaaa...thats me I'm talking about. kekeke..

For those who are still looking out for the best venue for fun outings and gatherings ...this place is the most suitable option. You can have fun steamboat and barbeque with your friend with as low as RM22.90 and plenty of selections for you to choose. You won't regret it here!

You can't get wide varieties selection Steamboat and BBQ buffet with this super cheap price. Not to mentioned its convenient location and ample parking space which make it easier for everyone to enjoy the feast.

Steamboat BBQ Buffet D'Kayangan address :
 No. 1, Service Apartment Sri Acapella
Jalan Lompat Tinggi 13/33
Seksyen 13, Shah Alam

Opening hours : 
Lunch time : 11:00am - 3:00pm
Dinner time : 5:00pm - 1:00am 

Check out D'Kayangan Steamboat BBQ Buffet latest promotion at :

Instagram : @dkayangan 

You want to win Free dine for 4 person at D'Kayangan Steamboat and BBQ at D'Kayangan?

Check out my giveaway post here

Complete all task given and I will choose 2 lucky winners to win free dine for 4 each. Good luck!


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