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3 Days and 2 Nights in Langkawi - Day 1

Finally , I set foot at Langkawi Island. Yeayyyyy....
It was a short trip which is only for 3 Days and 2 Nights. I would love to re visit here again soon. I took Air Asia flight 7:30am on Saturday morning and come back to Kuala Lumpur on Monday Flight 3:15pm. I will share the summary of my short 3D/2N itinerary soon in other post.

Let me tell you in details on what I did in Langkawi on my first day there. I went the with my 2 other sisters. Yes! this is not my usual solo travel.  My first time travelling with sisters because I need someone to be my Driver and Navigator......since this is my last travelling for the year 2016 so I want to travel with a style. I don't want to think much in this trip. I am a Princess on my own way. Don't throw up please! WTH!

After pick up our rented Perodua Viva which cost us RM100/day, we drove straight to a must visit place Langkawi Cable car and sky bridge.


I purchase the ticket online and redeem it on site. I bought Combo A package for RM42 each which includes SkyDome + Skyrex + 6D Cinemotion. The ticket redemption can take longer time than expected since the ticketing counter girl incompetency. Slow like tortoise. The service industry in our country Malaysia is lacking so much! 

Important notes, please come here early in the morning because the crowd is just like in USS. The queue was super long when I have done my sky bridge. I reached there early but the line are super long too.You imagine if one did it in the afternoon. One can collapse for standing in line too long.We did the 6D Cinemotion first while waiting to board to Sky Dome.

Another important note you still need to pay extra RM15 to take the glide to sky bridge which you need to wait in line for the only one tortoise glide which only can board up to 10 person on one way ride. Damn it! another queuing? RM15? Gosh!!!!! too many visitors and yet you just have one glide operating? I have no choice but to pay and wait in line. Seriously , if me in 2 years back...I would have just walk the trail up and down to reach the sky bridge. at current totally with bad and severe knee...haihhhh...patience! patience! that was all I have been telling and myself.

The cable ride was a pleasant ride accept for the long queue.

The view from the top is fabulous and breathtaking.

I would love to spend more time here but the noisy crowds is starting to build up. So I need to move away. Not so pleasant experience to queue for so long. Hate that!


I was not aware about this place but my sis aka The Driver stopped us here for quick lunch.

Long time never eat this kind of 'laksa'. So , it was like back to memory kind of taste. This cost me RM5 per plate.How it taste? It taste like fish! ahahahaha...what else...mmmm...just fish! I need to ask for more salt and squeeze more lime juice to this. But overall taste...mmmm..not bad after all!

If you don't like this noodles, you can opt for fresh fried koay teow, mee hoon soup and even waffles.They have many types of other food selling here.

You get a good view while you enjoy your laksa too. The stall is just by the road side and overlooking the breathtaking seaview.

We reached our motel for 2 night. Booked one room with double bed. Three of us squeeze in like sardines in a can at night.

We have quick rest and nap. Super tired since our flight was early in the morning!


Then we drove to Haji Ismail building to buy cheap and duty free chocolates. WTH! I was like ...I am not going to buy anything. Chocolate can be bought anywhere. Duhhhhh!!!!! Toink! Toink! the result of being so snobbish to herself.


owhhh!!! you think this is all? well...this is a just a glance of what I bought. There is moreeeeeee...muahahahaha

My small medium size backpack for 3 days travel don't have room for my haul. Gosh!!!!! My sis have a big hearty laugh because I was carrying extra shopping bag into the plane like 'Ajumma'.

Comforting words to myself....all I want for Christmas and New Year is a hearty delicious chocolates and cookies. WTH!

Thank God! I bought all here...other place prices is more expensive than here. Unbeatable price I found in Langkawi. Even The Coco Valley in Chenang put a pricey price tag than here. I was glad to buy this without even hesitating. hahahaha...another guilt cure.


After the crazy chocolate shopping. We drove out to have dinner at Wan Thai Langkawi Restaurant. My last sis aka the driver visited this place before and she said the food was delicious back then. Location not far from Haji Ismail Chocolate place. Since the restaurant open at 6:30pm, we have to wait in the car for a while. Ya man....all of us like super 'kiasu' reached there 5:30pm like one hour earlier. Since the Restaurant location is like at the back of lane of shop row. So there is not many place you hop on to kill time. So we just wait in the car and having a hard time explaining to Mum who called us out of the blue. she knew,, I took her other 2 daughters away without her knowledge. Mother instinct, perhaps!

Seriously, this Thai dinner is super delicious. You need to try this place when you in Langkawi. The Tom Yam soup was superb and fabulous! Value for money.

To tell you the truth we were lucky for our effort to wait one hour earlier. Since there was group reservation they did not accept any more walk in right after ours. Whoaaaaa!!!! so lucky!


There is night market opposite baron hotel. Since we ate a lot for dinner ..we decided to walk along this night market to help it digest. That night market is not worth of shout out. least for me. Nothing special here though. Maybe because all of us too full with our feast just now. If you still hungry you can visit this place because there is plenty of street food here. Almost like the one in Thailand but the smaller scale of Night Market.

I visited another Chocolate shop opposite the night market , though! I check out from there with another big bag of Loaker Waffer. Again!!!!! chocolate hunt does not stop here you know.

Next post will be my awesome speed boat ride at Langkawi. Subscribe to my blog for updates.

By the way just use waze to go to the location mentioned. Its easy to travel nowadays with waze and gps in hand.


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