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3 Days and 2 Nights in Langkawi - Day 1

Finally , I set foot at Langkawi Island. Yeayyyyy.... It was a short trip which is only for 3 Days and 2 Nights. I would love to re visit here again soon. I took Air Asia flight 7:30am on Saturday morning and come back to Kuala Lumpur on Monday Flight 3:15pm. I will share the summary of my short 3D/2N itinerary soon in other post. Let me tell you in details on what I did in Langkawi on my first day there. I went the with my 2 other sisters. Yes! this is not my usual solo travel.  My first time travelling with sisters because I need someone to be my Driver and Navigator......since this is my last travelling for the year 2016 so I want to travel with a style. I don't want to think much in this trip. I am a Princess on my own way. Don't throw up please! WTH! After pick up our rented Perodua Viva which cost us RM100/day, we drove straight to a must visit place Langkawi Cable car and sky bridge. LANGKAWI CABLE CAR AND SKY BRIDGE I purchase the ticket online an

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