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Things to do at Langkawi - 3 Days / 2 Nights

Few people emailed asking me to do a summary for my short vacation to Langkawi. me more works. IMA so busy with work early of the year. Haihhh! Anyway, I won't disappoint your request. Here goes everything must do for short visit in Langkawi. To me my visit to Langkawi is like a visit to Jeju Island from Busan. Just an hour flight from KUL.  I wish I visit to Langkawi much earlier. I was missing out! I took 7:30am flight on Saturday morning from Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi and back to Kuala Lumpur on Monday afternoon, 3:15pm flight. My sis rented a Perodua Viva car for 3 of us which we collected at Airport itself to roamed around Langkawi. We paid RM100 per day with half full tank petrol ready filled for us. So...what to do in Langkawi for 3 days? My itinerary to Langkawi was super easy and relaxing vacation : Day 1  * Flight KUL - Langkawi depart 7:30am arrival 8:30am * collect rented car at airport * Visit Langkawi Sky Cab * Lunch Laksa Ik

Langkawi Island Trip - Day 2 Exploring Mangrove at Kilim Geoforest Park

We booked Mangrove half day tour for RM100 and this is the best decision to explore Langkawi. The price inclusive of lunch simple fried rice with chicken and drink. We woke up in the morning and get ready for our pick up van . We had a good breakfast at our motel cafe. Delicious french toast with maple syrup and Roti Jala with Chicken Curry. Thumbs up for Cactus inn cafe. The journey to the starting point of our Mangrove tour took around 1 hours by van. We then were grouped together with some tourist from Latvia, Netherland, Johor Bahru, China, Bangladesh and Singapore. There were 20 of us in one boat. First stop were at fish farm. We were briefed on types of fish and also have chance to pet the fish. There are leopard shark, stingray, barracuda,puffer fish and many more.  Most of the staff here really professional and knowledgeable. Some even bilingual.This is what I am talking about ...Malaysian or Malaysian! I wish these people go further in tourism i

3 Days and 2 Nights in Langkawi - Day 1

Finally , I set foot at Langkawi Island. Yeayyyyy.... It was a short trip which is only for 3 Days and 2 Nights. I would love to re visit here again soon. I took Air Asia flight 7:30am on Saturday morning and come back to Kuala Lumpur on Monday Flight 3:15pm. I will share the summary of my short 3D/2N itinerary soon in other post. Let me tell you in details on what I did in Langkawi on my first day there. I went the with my 2 other sisters. Yes! this is not my usual solo travel.  My first time travelling with sisters because I need someone to be my Driver and Navigator......since this is my last travelling for the year 2016 so I want to travel with a style. I don't want to think much in this trip. I am a Princess on my own way. Don't throw up please! WTH! After pick up our rented Perodua Viva which cost us RM100/day, we drove straight to a must visit place Langkawi Cable car and sky bridge. LANGKAWI CABLE CAR AND SKY BRIDGE I purchase the ticket online an

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