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For those who knows me very well, will not want to even make appointment to see me. WTH!
So called anti socialized woman!
Not that I anti social just that....well...I have this rules of specific preference time and venue for meet up. So selfish woman!!! 
Just because of my specific crazy preference...I end up with not many friends...WTH!

My preference to meet up :

1. Only for breakfast between 8:30 - 9:00am sharp. The breakfast meeting need to end before 12:00 noon.

2. Meet up place only at the place I familiar the most like, Tropicana City Mall, Jaya One, Pavillion,KL and Bangsar Village. Any other than that venue...sorry...I will still insist that place no matter how boring it is for meeting up the same place again and again.

Well...before you label me as selfish or anti social woman....let me explain my reason first...

1. I am one over concerned woman...well...concern towards myself...hehehehehe..I hate driving out under hot sun and many cars on the road. If meet up later in the afternoon and so on...I have to drive in the traffic jam and to find the parking over the weekend in the afternoon...Gossshhhhh!!!! I cried over that at Midvalley parking lot just because I was trying to make an effort to meet up with Dom and Jamie. My eyes was soaking tears just because I can't find parking. I banned meeting up in mid valley, one U,Curve and others. I banned meeting up after lunch or dinner. I am stress up at work and you want me to stress up over weekend too.

2. The location choice is because...hehehehe I know where to park and then I can find my car easily. I forgot where I parked my car in mid valley last few years. I was in soaking tears with my heavy shopping load in both hand when the motorbike security came to approach me to find out why I am crying and walking up and down around the carpark...kekekeke...I even took the photo on my parking spot...but I forgot to remember the level of my parking.WTH!!! hopeless!!!

Such a Queen of Tears!!!!

So now you know....why???? you still think I am selfish????
I just don't want a hassle to find parking, stuck in stupid wasted traffic jam...just to meet up people and shopping.

Though I said I have not many friends...I still do have some loyal and good friends around me. I cherish them a lot to accommodate to my weakness. I bought gift on certain occasion like birthday and Christmas. I am also an avid traveler plus my busy working schedules. When talk about shopping...I am not a shopping person but I do buy stuff here and there. Online shopping totally make life easier for people like me. I don't have to worry about traffic jam, difficulties to find parking and expensive parking. Nowadays, everything it just by clicks of button. Serious, I hardly buy stuff at physical store nowadays.

My bff birthday is coming in early June... Gosh!!! I am cracking head to buy her gift because we have known each other for years and years....I can't simply buy her something without even thinking right???? It need to be something extra special!!!!

I always listen to Zalora ad over my favourite radio station I never give this Zalora a peep.
Last night, I was on my boring to watch korean drama mode.Whoa!!! me bored of Korean Drama.The world is going upside down!!!! hehehehe
I visited I got hook by this website. Love the dresses though!

At least they are not like others online shopping website selling all those so called Korean fashion made in China brand. Their fashion....I can say that....they have certain standard to maintain. They even have Aldo brand collaborate with them. I remember going into Aldo shop at Fahrenheit,KL looking for knee cut boots for my South Korean trip.

Aldo is affordable brand for all. This is a popular brand which have high quality , well designed shoes and stylish footwear for men and women. Best part they not just selling shoes at Aldo...they have those elegance style accessories,watches and handbag too.They are niche and have kind of standard to maintain their brand image. Seriously, my style!!!!

I was contemplating to either get  my bff ....


How about this bulky bracelet??? So stylish and elegance right???


This sweet and beautiful for her long sexy neck!


How about between these two??? This one will make her feet look sweeter,right???

I normally, go carried away when did my online shopping. I always checked out more items for myself then others which totally divert from my main objective....kekekekeke..I am still a woman after all!

Seriously, online shopping at Aldo @ Zalora really comfortable and everything seems to be ...I want


 this shoe!


 and this one too!!!


This bag!!!! don't you think this is a must too!!! It look nice for office, and business meeting right!!! 
How can I check-out my shopping bag without it???

My so called thrifty spending end up...kaboooossshhhh!!!

Best things about shopping Aldo@Zalora online store,  they offer best price.  Being the biggest online shopping Malaysia website, you don't need to worry about online shopping safety. 

The shopping experience with Aldo@Zalora online store are simple and safe procedures. Gosh! they even offer FREE Shipping and really make you hook to shop for more. I release my 5 working days stress with Aldo@Zalora.

Psssssttt!!!! at least you don't have to handle your hubby objection for wanting to buy beautiful stuff for yourself! kekekeke.. work hard for what???? if you don't treat yourself with things you wants!!!!

Psssstttt, first order get RM20 OFF at Zalora. They even offer 30 days FREE Return with T&C applies.

Check it out yourself and get a hassle free retail therapy shopping experience without even leaving your comfortable house!


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