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Chiangmai nick name is "The Rose of the North" which suit the name very well. This beautiful city pack with natural wonder and history. You can look forward to visit the ancient city with fresh air to breathe. 1. Beautiful view Chiangmai full of nature beauty. You can imagine visiting to ancient Thai city within lush green rain forest with magnificent waterfalls, exotic animals and rich ecosystems.Mother nature is close to you with a beautiful view from the Gate of Himalayan Alps. 2. Ancient City Chiangmai was known as ancient Lanna Kingdom. This city is unique that it walled city surrounding still remain until now. The moat surrounding still strong intact! 3. Delicious Thai Feast You won't go hungry if you are here. You can taste and eat the mouth watering exotic Thai food till your heart content. Oh! if you can't take spicy food, you can request for mild one. 4. Fabulous Ancient Temples This place have aro


Recently, unboxing some of my last year Christmas sales shopping. I love shopping nearer to Christmas and New Year sales. I can get many pretty and good items at good bargain. Yeahhhh!!! its a bit late to unboxing my shopping bag but hey...I bought it as my beauty item stock. So now only need to use it! I gotten this 2015 limited edition ZA perfect for two way foundation by Kayo Horaguchi. So love the casing full of floral and butterflies. I bought it during the Japanese cosmetic sales at Isetan, One Utama last year. Who is Kayo Horaguchi? She is a fashion designer who starter her new career as an illustrator and graphic designer in 2006. She is well known with her elaborates romantic image by illustrating vividly colored girls , nature, animals and other many motifs overlapping with each other.  She also has her own original brand " Kayo Horaguchi " where she designs interior, stationery, clothes and other daily item.  Recently , she is well known fo


Early this year, I was at Chiangmai, Thailand for 5N/6D trip. I will share summarize itinerary in my later post..maybe next week! After came down from Pai and Mae Hong Son, I spent 3 days exploring Chiangmai City. Since I stayed in Boutique Hotel which smacked in the middle of busy old I just took my time walking and exploring around that area. I even have favourite breakfast place. I found this awesome place while wondering around for breakfast. Yeahhh!!! I don't buy breakfast at hotel this time. I just wanna live like local.  But...while most local eat noodles for breakfast, I end up eat bread and western style breakfast here. I just can't resist the fresh from oven bread smells at this place. When I read this signage...I was like..Whoaaaa!!! Blue Diamond The Breakfast Club. Do I need some sort of membership to dine in here? I was so wanna sit down and dine when I randomly walk in this corner lot terrace house which converted into a cafe.


I was sulky for the last 2 weeks. Not in the mood to even do anything. Goshhh!!! aging syndrome is closer to me. WTH! I manage to get to my senses to the reality of living and surviving alone. Don't really have anybody to turn to for comfort , I comfort myself easily. WTH! Sounds pathetic life, huh? I chose to live this way anyway...I will choose this again if giving a chance again. ish ish ish...stubborn fella. One lonely anti social fella! Back to the reality of life again...I am having this painful which I thought just a normal muscle pain for the pass one month. I got it from my own negligence. Haihhhh! I wanted to get the car lock from back seat. Since the lock ran far from my arm length reach, I end up twisted the whole body to the 45 degree...eerrrrr I guess its 45 degree because I don't the way who measure that? Thats how its happen. From then, the pain is bad and still bad while I am writing this post too. It is ok when walking


Most of us drive to work , college and even during weekend for our leisure time. Nowadays, traffic is getting bad and people are getting crazier! I guess because of food they ate and also stress in life. I always believe every traffic jam start with an 'idiot' act'! Here are some of list that I can think off base on my experience driving on the road. 1. When the driver are busy texting at a red light and they don't notice the light turn green.  "Gosh! You just make me miss the green light!" 2. When the other driver just stare at you when you are both stopped at an intersection.  "AWKWARD!" 3. Fast car show offs out of sudden.  "DAMN! wish you hit that barrier!" 4. When they all change lane on the sudden without any signal. "Hey! am I invisible?" 5. A sudden 'U- Turn'. "Huh! forgot something?" 6. They drive 10 mph under the speed l


I was recently recalling back the memories of 20 years ago, when first came to work in KL. Those days just a fresh young starter. No car to drive to work. No such thing as building up career because I don't have privilege to even think about that! I only work and earns to survive and help my family financially. My greatest challenges in KL those days was commuting to work and other places. Not sure whether any of you remember that MADNESS PINK COLOR MINI BUS? I don't see that anymore. I was one of those 'lucky' one who risked life and limb sit...errrkkk..mostly stand pack like overloaded sardines in the can. It sounds absurd. That notorious pale pink mini bus brought me to places. Same goes with shabby, run down and smelly Metro Bus. Did I mentioned the anger management issue and high competitive driver too? I have few bitter sweet experience with those two transportation. STUNT WOMAN I have chance risking my life standing by the edge of the s


Last Christmas, I was at The Face Shop looking for gel to heal my ugly hyper-pigmentation spot. I end up bought myself this awesome The Face Shop CC Intense Cover Cushion SPF50+ PA+++  Yup! you read it right, this is not sponsor review. I bought it from my hard earned money and review it for benefit of my readers. So this is totally independent review and please read it without doubt. Ahaks! :) As advertised it seems this thing is for hot weather which is like our country , Malaysia. Two key features are HIGH COVERAGE and BRIGHTENING. Well ...this is the features that drawn me to buy this that day. WTH! The Face Shop CC Intense Cover Cushion comes in two shades : * V201 - Apricot Beige which is in lighter shade * V203 - Natural Beige is for the darker shade. Since I am at that darker shade skin tone ..WTH! so I bought V203. Oh! forgot to tell you that another claim is The Face Shop CC Intense Cover Cushion can keep your skin moisturizing for 25 hour


Our life on this earth is just a temporary place and everything in our life is full of uncertainty. The most certainty we can confirm is we all going to leave this earth one day. It just we don't know when is our time. I always told my may be old, that doesn't mean your times up will come first. I may go much earlier than you. Whatever I do here on earth I wanna do and live without regrets.  Since my parent brings me up with lots of hardship, which I can't believe that we made it this far.I wants as much as possible for them to leave this place happily with no pain or regrets in mind. It is worth it feeling to see a happy face of your old parent when you bring them to experience something that they never even dream about it before. I brought them to Grand Lexis, Port Dickson last year.  This year I brought them to experience living in luxury at Lexis Hibiscus, Port Dickson I can't afford for more than a night but still I can see t


If you have been reading my blog for quite sometimes , more or less you know that I love to do the nature trail walking tour when I go for travel. I did the same when I was in Chiangmai early this year. A walk through the nature trail on top of the highest mountain in Thailand, Doi Inthanon really something than I will never forget forever. Since this is the highest mountain in Thailand with 2,565m, the coolest during Winter time can drop at 0 Degrees. It was winter and drop at 2 Degrees when I visited this place. Super cold!  Thank God! I remember to pack some shawls with me to cover up my neck and keep me warm through out the nature trail. On top of Doi Inthanon summit there is also Royal Thai Air Force weather radar station and the Thai National Observatory. If you see the bottom left photo where many coins being actually a official stamp on the highest peak of Thailand. The name Doi Inthanon was given in honour of the Thai King Inthan

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