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If you have been reading my blog for quite sometimes , more or less you know that I love to do the nature trail walking tour when I go for travel.

I did the same when I was in Chiangmai early this year.


A walk through the nature trail on top of the highest mountain in Thailand, Doi Inthanon really something than I will never forget forever.
Since this is the highest mountain in Thailand with 2,565m, the coolest during Winter time can drop at 0 Degrees. It was winter and drop at 2 Degrees when I visited this place. Super cold! 

Thank God! I remember to pack some shawls with me to cover up my neck and keep me warm through out the nature trail.


On top of Doi Inthanon summit there is also Royal Thai Air Force weather radar station and the Thai National Observatory.

If you see the bottom left photo where many coins being actually a official stamp on the highest peak of Thailand.

The name Doi Inthanon was given in honour of the Thai King Inthanwichayanon who is one of the last King of Chiang Mai.

He was really into the forests in the north and try hard to preserve them. When he passed away he ordered his remains be interred at this place with intention he will remain protect the forest.

He then joined by his daughter Princess  Chao Dara Rasmi who pass away and ordered her ashes to be deposited next to her father King Inthanwichayanon. Both spirit protect the northern Thailand forest. 

You see the photo of that dress hanging on the tree?
Thats for the Princess.

Such a lovely father and daughter team. Even after they pass away still concern about the remains.


I started my walking trails and really happy got to breathe the freshest air ever. Oh! wish could overnight here.

shrine in jungle

Inside the jungle there is another shrine for one of  Royal Air Force Captain who is also a King related. His helicopter went down and killed him in this forest. He is part of the team who contributes towards this national park of Don Inthanon.

Do you see the helicopter propeller remain in that photo?


I was told that Doi Inthanon is also part of Himalayan Alps stretch. No wonder it was so cold. I love the flora and fauna here. They even have many unique species of birds and other animals in this thick and untouched jungle. Seriously smells like a virgin forest to me. 

Don't miss out Doi Inthanon forest park if you happens to visit Chiangmai. Oh! did I mentioned to you the journey is so adventurous too with all those sharp curve and up hills drive?

If you who tends to have nausea for this kind of journey , please prepare some medicine ya...

I am fine through out the journey. Proud of that ...hahaha


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