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I visited many temples from Buddhist to Hindus and this one is uniquely beautiful out of all. The most unconventional Buddhist temple I ever been to.  Wat Rong Khun or more well known as White Temple is in Chiang Rai, Thailand. This is not a ruined or even historical place. This place built in year 1997 by noted Thai painter who turned architect and still in progress. To me the building it self from far look so majestic and enchanted. The main building is painted white as its symbolize Buddha's purity. Most astonished that this place is covered in mosaics of mirrors which give amazing sparkling effect under the sun. I bet it look awesome beautiful at night too but it may be scary at night. You know what I mean if you read further. The hanging head. This is what I mean...gosh! this White Temple is full of bizarre and horror creatures face. Just imagine walking at night and stumble onto that head....Ommaaaaa!!!! To reach the temple you have to walk over a b...


Seriously my office is too quite and super boring! How should I describe my office 'boringness'???? mmmmm..just like spending time in library for 12 hours a day. Can choke with boring syndrome duh! Just imagine! no sound and all! Guess farting is big NO here ! WTH!!!! You can't expect me to hum away the lullaby to myself like lunatic lady in office. I wanna buy radio and speaker but afraid to be label as 'old fashion'. Gosh! who bring radio and speaker to office nowadays!  Anyway.... I received this surprise after came back from Chiangmai holiday early last week. This new gadgets enough to make my office mate 'super envy' me. WTH! Tadahhhhhh...presenting my new Pandora Neo babies from Sonic Gear!!!!! I always know Sonic Gear with portable speaker and headphone and this new gadgets???? Cool!!! Left : PANDORA NEO 500 Right : PANDORA NEO 200 I will introduce you to new year 2016 trend and a must have cool gadget! Pandora Neo...


I don't know about you...but I'm not much of a New Year's eve partier. I try my best possible to stay away from unruly crowd and ...why would I want to get caught in traffic at New Year Eve ? I either spend time at home alone at my own peaceful space or if I went traveling somewhere, I will just be in the hotel room. Gosh!!!! such a good girl! Well ...I just hate to be among all those unorganized crowds. Too many drunkards on the road too. Staying at your own space in New Year Eve does not make you a loser. Gosh!!!! give me a break. Following the crowd or trend does not make you cool either...duh! Anyway, its our own personal preference. Just chose what best and happier for you. Since I am a loner myself...Damn! sounds so pathetic huh? Here are some ideas who decide to spend the New Year Eve - all by yourself! 1. Tell yourself it's just like any regular night you have. Well, in reality it is like every other night. It just the next day you wake up...


My leg still tired and body still aching from Kamikochi jungle marathon the day before. I woke with positive mood expecting new adventure to my Alpine Routes plan. The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route is know as the "Roof of Japan". The route passes through the dynamic scenery of Mt Tateyama in the Japan Alps. It is traversed using variety vehicles with an elevation change of 2,400 meters from Toyama Prefecture of Nagano Prefecture. Remember, Japan is four seasons country. So view change according to season. I was here on 29th September 2015. My target for the day : * Matsumoto to Tateyama (9 hours Alpines routes) - Check out from Matsumoto * Tateyama - Toyama ( 1 hours) - I need to reach at Toyama before 6pm to collect my backpack. * Toyama - Kanazawa (35 minutes) - overnight at Kanazawa Alpines Routes (A 90km routes that connect Shinano-Omachi with Toyama divided into 9 sections with different type of transport and walking. See picture below. It look so...


The main reason I end up at Matsumoto due this is the best place to start my journey to Kamikochi and Alpine Routes trip. After spending half afternoon exploring Matsumoto, the next morning I woke up at 5am to take the first train out to Kamikochi. How to get there? - Take the Matsumoto Electric Railway from Matsumoto Station to Shin-Shimashima Station (30 minutes rides) - Followed by a bus ride to Kamikochi (60 minutes rides) Paid 4,550 yen for round trip and please make sure to book your return boarding number once you reach Kamikochi bus terminal or you end up overnight in the jungle. WTH! For your note the JR Pass is not valid on these trains and buses.  What is Kamikochi? Kamikochi is a unique place of scenic beauty and important natural treasures which boast a spectacular Chubu Sangaku National Park. I was a great pleasure for me to be able to walk through the Kamikochi area which is a roughly 15 kilometer long plateau in the Azusa River Valle...

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