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How To Choose A Home Water Filter

If you are an Asian like me, it's common hearing mum or elders nag to drink more water all the time. Well, nothing annoying about this. In fact, this is a good reminder since drinking water at least 8 glasses a day good for your body and immune system. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! I am not sure about other country but especially in Asia, we don't blatantly drink water from our pipe in the sink. We either require to boil water or get a good water filter. At least water filters remove contaminants. There are many types of water filter in the market. Some even offer hot and ice cold water features. It can be difficult to choose the best water filter. Here I list down some of the basic checklists to help you to make a good decision on which water filter suit your needs. How To Choose A Home Water Filter? 1. Study on POE (Point Of Entry) and POU (Point Of Use) systems Commonly, there are two types of water filters available for home use. POE systems treat all the

Why Flowers Make Us Feel Happy

If you could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change In my youth and younger days, I used to hate flowers. Why? The flowers will be withered and it such a waste of money. Now I have grown older, I see the thing in very different ways. I have grown wiser and matured a bit!😊 Flowers will definitely withered, but the value of emotion and psychological is priceless. Flowers are linked to immediate happiness and feeling which relates to satisfaction towards life. If you noticed, flowers are always linked to alleviation of stress, mood-lifting and ease away anxiety and depression symptoms. Did it ever cross your mind why people used flowers in the social environment? Is having flowers decoration around just mere eye candy? The power of flowers can help to enhance the environment to create a more welcoming ambience, cheerful and warm.  Many only think about flowers when it comes to birthdays, proposal and romantically love. Do you know

Same Day Fresh Flower and Cake Delivery in Singapore

The year of 2020 has been declared as Social Distancing era globally . We have been advised to minimize gatherings to reduce the spread of our invisible enemies . This doesn't mean we can't stay connected with our friends and clients. Some of us who are natural-born introvert doing just fine by this social isolation order but for those who are extrovert, this new norm will drive them crazy which led to psychological distress. There are many ways to stay connected, the most guaranteed way to uplift the mood of our dear friends or love ones is by surprise event. There is no need to be physically present to organize the sweetest event to remember. All you need is to place your order with the right and trusted place.   If you have someone you treasure and to pleased reside in Singapore, Whyzee is definitely the right place you should be looking for. Whyzee offers freshly baked cake and flower delivery Singapore . Whyzee was born from a name combination of two passi

First Time Kombucha Brewer

If you have been following my blog for many years, you will notice that I am a sucker when it comes to Kombucha . Not only Kombucha has a good health benefit but it also tastes delicious and I can drink some fizzy drink without any guilt. But to purchase shelf Kombucha kind of expensive. Imagine one bottle of this fizzy drink cost me between RM10 to RM16. Damn! That's expensive for my purse! So I decided to brew it at home. I was really nervous to do this kind of brewing at home. Who knows instead of brewing good bacteria for guts, I will end up brewing and breeding bad bacteria. Anyway, as this post was published, I was at my 3rd batch of my own homemade Kombucha. Yay! Success and still learning along the way.😍 What Do You Need To Brew Kombucha? 1. Good SCOBY with quality starter tea 2. Glass Jar 3. Tea Concentrate 4. Sugar water 5. Cotton cloth to cover 6. Patient to wait What is SCOBY? SCOBY stands for, Symbiotic  Culture Bacte

How To Make Jjajangmyeon less 10 minutes

I always watch those actors and actress in Kdrama ate Jjajangmyeon deliciously. But when I ate this at Korean Restaurant, it's too sweet and too thick with starch. Totally not to my tastebud.  What is Jjajangmyeon? Jjajangmyeon is a Chinese style Korean noodle dish topped with a thick dark brown sauce made from black bean paste, pork and some vegetables. You can change pork with chicken or seafood. This dish usually describes as sweet and tangy taste. You won't miss out this dish if you are an avid Korean drama fan. Totally Korean people favourite dish. I just can't resist but want to try this out. I tried Jjajangmyeon at a few Korean restaurants. Totally don't like the taste because they made it too sweet. It would be better if the taste is less sweet, less thick and have a little bit of spicy after taste.  So....for the first time, I challenge myself to make Jjajangmyeon at home.  First, I bought the Jjajangmyeon set from Marimogo at my f

Let's Online Shopping at Malaysia No. 1 E Commerce Platforms - PG Mall

Ever since the pandemic spreading early this year, online shopping is our new norm. Personally, I prefer online shopping over offline shopping. Courier delivery more than once a week to my house. Talking about my spending habit! Shy! shy! shy! Not only that, I don't need to pay for parking and petrol but avoiding the crowd which will expose me to the virus is one of the reasons for me to choose online shopping. No need to mention that the promotion for an online shopping store is really a good bargain and believe it or not, I have saved a lot through grabbing the online promotion and deals. Now, you want to know how to grab a good deal, save some money and win some great prizes?  Have you heard about PGMall? PG Mall is a Malaysia No.1 e-Commerce platform and the only local e-Commerce platform in Malaysia . Recently, PG Mall ranked as the top 3 e-Commerce site at Iprice insight report . PG Mall is currently my favourite not only online

Amazing Benefits Of Flower Tea

  I always love the scents of floral. So, I developed this hobby in mixing my own essential oil blends for my daily scents therapy. Apart from that, I also make it a must to drink at least a cup of flower tea daily. Scents of flower not only simulate your organ, but it can also be a good benefit if you drink the tea too. There are many benefits to drinking flower tea. Improves digestion Relieve stress Reduces pain and inflammation Nourishes skin Boosts up metabolism and promote weight loss Slow down the process of ageing It will be a long list if I want to type it out here. So I just list down 6 main benefits which are common for ordinary people sought out. Some of my favourite flower tea which I always stock up at home - Jasmine, Chrysanthemum,  Lavender, Butterfly Pea Flower, Osmanthus and Rosebud.  How to prepare delicious flower tea? There are 3 ways of making flower tea. 1. Just a flower tea style. Wash the flowers. Then soaked it in boiling water for 4 to 5 minutes. Remove it and

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