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Showing posts with the label #MYSTORY

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I have been blogging for quite sometimes now and along the way I received some weird requests. When I say weird....really trust me its weird and totally mind blowing. #SELLING VIRGINITY POST Most recent was this request from this 24 years old young lady who want me to publish her post to sell her virginity. WTH! The message to me was written in French. "salut Cindy je suis Harmony Mangbel une congolaise j'ai 23ans je cherche comment vendre ma virginite tu peux m'aider comment puis-je le publier? je serai a Bruxelles le 24juillet tu voudras bien qu'on fasse connaissance?" Translated version :  " Cindy hi I am Congolese Harmony Mangbel 23 years I am looking to sell my virginity how can you help me ho can I publish? I will be in Brussels on 24 July. Do you have knowledge?" Get a life girl! You can sell your so called vagina else where!  My blog is not a whore site. Shall I ask her how much is the price? Anyway....SPAM you go


Have you ever heard about the story of Monkey and Banana?? Let me tell you this interesting story. huhuhuh... I am now a story teller, huh? I may sound like I am full of playful and cheeky attitude. I can be wise old woman when I want to know? Today, I decided to share my wisdom story...WTH! Anyway just read further and you may learn something from this Monkey and Banana story. Once upon a time , there is this monkey call Kiki. Yeay, she is adorable like her cute and catchy name. Unlike her cute and catchy name, her life has not been good and adorable at all. She once live in the jungle where use to be very blessed with food and friends around her. One day the humankind, invaded her blessed jungle and most of her kind was either caught or killed brutally. She manage to escape herself and live into hiding. Her problem now, she has problem on getting food to survive. She was lonely too. She was physically and mentally exhausted! One day wh

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