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Last 2 weeks I am so craving for herbal tea egg. I used to like the one from purple cane but nowadays the smells is so nice but the taste don't have that kick!!  I always have that 'thick' palate.  Long time ago , I boiled one but it taste bitter because end up put to much of 'angelica' powder. My version have that 'angelica' powder, red dates, onion, and goji berries in it. Add in thick soy sauce and boil. This time ,my braised egg turn out so well and deserve a round applause!!! Clap your hand everybody!!!! 'perasan' huh?


I visited Beijing on September 2011. It was interesting journey since I wonder to the foreign country without learning any of their mother tongue language. The reason I chose Beijing because of I wanted to full fill my long time dreams...I want to explore Forbidden City and Great Wall of China. I visited both and Forbidden City just a 10 minutes walk from my Hotel and I love the feelings of walking by the river and enjoying beautiful scene of Willow tree dancing to the wind...owhhh!!!! and also peeping on the imperial guard practicing martial art at Forbidden City.Those Imperial Guard...whoa me with their martial art skills! Their Body Build are to die for by most man! WTH! Snap out Rina! kekekekeke...'hamsap thinking' for a moment. Food is like heaven for people who really can eat and also know what is their orders! To me is like gambling by pointing my fingers to those words that I don't even know what am I pointing at! If lazy


Remember those days after school this used to be my lunch. Mum was out to work only leave me money to settle my own lunch.  If I so 'jelak' with all these...I would fried my own 'yellow noodles' or cook instant noodles. Those days...when I was a growing up teenager, I would 'tapau' 'assam laksa', 'ice kacang aka ABC' and 'fruit rojak' for my lunch and tea time....and I gotten all these with only RM1.50. Look at how the inflation effect to our daily life??? Now it cost you freaking RM30.50 for all these...huh???? Hey!!! Like what Chingu told me make sense too... You wanna eat...better eat now! You never know whether your earn money could compete with this inflation...and you will never even get to smell all these food. isk isk isk ...Life is getting so competitive!!!! Our earns money is getting smaller each day!!! Teochew Chendol is serving food I miss when I grow up! When I found this place at Sunway Pyramid...I

PRINCESS'S EAT : SS2 Goreng Pisang

When I worked in PJ 10 years ago, I always love to eat sweet glutinous rice cake layered with sweet potato and yam from SS2 Goreng Pisang. This famous stall in front of Nasi Kandar Pelita near SS2 are super famous and I guess now its under 3rd generation management so they open one inside One Utama. From under the tree sweating hot sun to inside the aircond cold shopping complex. Great progress for SS2 Goreng Pisang. I am one person who don't eat banana but I can eat their Goreng Pisang because they use Pisang Raja. I love the sweetness and the texture after fried. I never failed to eat my sweet glutinous rice layered with sweet potatoes and yam fritters. It taste just right here. Of course the environment make the price to the premium than the road side. But can enjoy more without sweating yo! assorted fritters guess??? muahahahaha... this is banana ball or cekodok in my term. Delicious!!!!


I eat less chicken for 2 years now. If I have any other choice , I wouldn't want to choose chicken or meat. I eat more fish or seafood but most of the time more fish and veggies in my daily diet. Fruit not so much because I only eat certain type of fruits and it is seasonal one. Chingu said too expensive taste. Yeap! guess what??? IMA only eat fresh cherries and apricot. So snobbish la this woman! Not really...reason behind it because these two fruits taste nice and no need for me to peel or what so ever. What about strawberries??? Huhuhuhuh this reason will make you wanna throw up!!!! I only eat Korean strawberries in Korea.WTH!!! Throw up pleaseeeeee!!!! Malay community will call me 'Perempuan tak sedar diri'! huhuhuhuh.. Whatever!!!! My personal preference! As long as I am happy! I really miss the taste of Korean food. So one weekend ask Chingu to treat me for korean food. At least at Dubu dubu has quite reasonable price food. I order

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