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If you go to Food Republic food court at Pavillion,KL you will notice this Chef Lee's Casseroles counter. Very easy to notice one because this counter always quiet and no people queuing like others. I decided to give a try!!!! Look so classy ma the food. I thought the food will be more like fine dining styles and Chef Lee will cook my meal with love. WTH!!!! It came with more like Briyani Rice set at 'The Mamaks' ! I look inside to the counter and only see a group of Bangla and other foreign workers. Oh! not Chef Lee's love but the Bangla love instead. OMO!!!!! Anyway the counter girl also foreigner....look like Myanmar girl. But the slang like Philippines. Oh Whatever!!! After quick discussion with chingu and both decided to share one set of Chicken + Rice  + Starch which cost us RM14.90. I asked the girl is the food hot? Must ask ma...since that food look like ready made and displayed like 'Chap Fan'. That girl said...its hot!!!

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