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I use to wear lipstick a lot. One thing I hate the most when wearing the lipstick is the stain on the glass or coffee cup. It look so damn dirty and ugly. Yes! Yes! I heard about the non stick lipstick. I am not that 'ulu' la... But I hate those because I feel like wearing long lasting paint on my lips. Furthermore, it took lots of that remover to just wash it off from the lips and this will cause my lips discolor and dry due the chemical from the remover. Then I found PeriPera Lip Crayon when I went to HK last 2 years. I bought PeriPera Gel lip balm at Watson Pavillion last year. I really fall in love with PeriPera colored lip balm. Oh! this PeriPera not type of chicken dish ye.... Recently, I bought this PeriPera Butter Pang from one of those underground shopping place near Busan. Totally fall in love with this one. This PeriPera Butter Pang come with 3 colors. 01 Cream Butter 02 Peach Butter 03 Pink Butter The one I am wearing right


Who love to eat Nasi Lemak???? Me! Me! Me! Who like Seafood Curry Laksa??? Me! Me! Me! Regret to inform all my like consist of high calories and fat! One plate of nasi lemak itself is 644 calories  which is also equivalent to three bowls of plain white rice. Then if added the fried chicken? Please add another 290 calories to that 644 calories. Please do your own math to it! isk isk isk isk ...and more sad story...if you add teh tarik to go along with your nasi lemak ayam? Please add another 83 calories to it. After eat, an OL aka Office Lady like me...will stick my big fat ass to the chair to do my work. Only lift it up when there is urge to go to the bathroom. When busy or rushing for something....just hold the urge because the work comes first! Imagine how long the time spend at work from 9:00am to at least 7:00pm. This is the minimum hours! The result to the calories and the constantly sitting..... There you go...the 3 - 6 tiers easily build in on that waist line


My Busan-Jeju diary continuation.... 17th October 2014 I reached Busan from Jeju at 12:30noon. I took the Subway all the way to Gwangalli. Oh my quite far from Airport. I reached there around 1:45pm. I met the owner of the studio at the Subway station and she took me to her place which is just a 5 minutes walking distance from the station. This time I don't stay at hotel. I rented a studio for the sake of experience the local lifestyle. Living in studio with kitchen and bed at one place and the need to key in password to the door knob to enter the place. This is how the Studio look like. Quite comfy right? The white Sofa, lacy soft bed which complete with heater mattress, she even provided kitchen and washing machine.The owner was very kind to even provide me with 5 packs of ramyun. After check in , IMA head to Gwangalli Beach which is only 5 minutes walk from the studio. How convenient......Ah! so happy! This is my lunch at Tom Toms Coffee-Sweet Potato Twist Pr


Few people I met along the 21 years in this big city who are I appreciate so much.... This sweet Cili aka Jamie whom I met during my worked days in advertising agency. She is sweet and blunt. Thats what I like about my friend. I love honest people and not the fake one. This picture during my recent birthday meal with her at Wondermama@BV. Look at the photo, she was struggling to my worst present wrapping for her.kekekekekeke...which she commented, 'Rina! you never improve on your wrapping skills over this year? ' Adooooiiii!!!! Her present for me this year is this H&M pre reload card for me to go for a shopping spree on whatever I want with one message from Cili, 'Rina! you can buy whatever you want but if not enough please reload it yourself hor!' Adooooi!!!! Another friend who I treasure so much gave me this Purtier 'Deer Placenta' which according to him will make me a lot younger. According to him this whole box cost him RM650/-! You s

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