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Showing posts with the label #thebutterflyproject

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Just like that...year 2014 has come to an end. Here we are a fresh start in the New Year 2015 and wish to try out something new. Even my blog now become white and clean. Yeay! my darkness ERA has pass. I am starting my Year clean possible.What do you think with this new look? Better? Cleaner? Anyway today I am going to do some babbling on our new 2015 color. Yeay! they said Marsala is the new color for year 2015. When think about Marsala, we will be thinking about berry shade or red wine delicious looking color. For those who are thinking 'Marsala' is one type of curry dish from 'Mamak / Indian Restaurant, you are not wrong. kekekekeke...keep on your creative mind working and have fun with you imagination. This is all about individual creative visualisation. WTH! Again when we think about 'Marsala, it can be a dark colors for some of us. However, Marsala is wearable with rose tinted nude to a deep pomegranate shade. I am not sure how are we going to blend tha


I started my New Year 2015 with a lip tattoo. So dare of me to do this lip tattoo, huh? Don't worry, this lip tattoo procedure doesn't give me pain or my lips swollen like a gold fish or whatsoever. I also don't have to go through that peeling or dental block. Oh! why many opt to do lip tattoo when we have lipstick, colored lip balm and lip gloss???? Why need to go through all this pain? Many opt for this because they want their lip color to be as natural as possible.  So much of revolution, we now can enjoy beautiful and sexier lip tattoo without going through painful and uncomfortable procedure with Shizens Lip Tattoo. What is Shizens selling point for Lip Tattoo? - spread of moisture and relieves the formation of fine lines. - It helps to lighten dark pigmentation lips and gradually turn them into natural pink or rosy tones. Now, let me try and share my experience applying Shizens Lip Tattoo. Its hard to believe this whit


Himalaya Product Review This entry going to be Super Long...I learned my 'Chongheiness' from my ex Boss. I am one of those lucky Caterpillars of The Butterfly Project to be invited for Himalaya - Neem Product range review at Fuwa Fuwa Bakery, The School, Jaya One, Petaling Jaya on 2nd Aug 2014. First time at The School and I reached there quite early around 9:30am and the event only start at 10:30am. I saw many boyfriends and hubbies pushing the trollies and lifting and pulling luggage of pre loved items of famous amos , hot and spicy bloggers who were there setting up stalls call Pop Market to let go some some of their personal items. Me the less hot and less spicy blogger was lucky enough to be invited by The Butterfly Project who gave me chance to build up my own name and try my best to brag as details and informative reviews to share with public. I treat this as my job and passion. Thank you!!! So I will try my best!!!!! Super long

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