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Showing posts with the label Angel Cindyrina

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Reduce Panda Eyes with Petitfee Hydrogel Eye Patch

I recently obsessed to treat under eyes. Why? Well, my panada eyes almost make me look like a sleepy hollow ghost if I don't cover it with some concealer. isk isk isk ...Not enough sleep? I sleep enough these days until don't feel to wake up to work almost every morning. I bought Petitifee Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye Patch somewhere last year but don't really have the chance to try this out. I bought this because it has a good review from other users. Why don't I check this out myself right? Petitfee hydrogel eye patch ingredients include black pearl and gold powder which assist in blood circulation for anti-aging effects. It claimed to be full of amino acids to help regeneration and purification of the skin as well as brighten up the dark under eye area. Apart from that some of the useful extract ingredients like grapefruit, green tea, wormwood, citron and cucumber extracts help to nourishes and hydrates the delicate eye area and also claimed

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