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Showing posts with the label Bangsar Night Market

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Happy Monday

Another Monday morning.. I am enjoying my Monday morning listening to forever awesome 'Boys Before flower' soundtrack ' and drinking my old town white coffee' after one wholesome 'Red Dragon Fruit' mmmmpphh! I feel fresh! What a good Monday morning.. It is good to start early on Monday. Many things to accomplish. Hope my mission complete this week. Yeah! this week is my classes week. So life a bit like hell with that hahaha.. I will try to maintain cool this week.. although don't know what to expect! Last Saturday , went for group discussion. Appointment at 10.00am and as usual Malaysian being Malaysian some even turn up at 11.30am never respect other members time at all. We had came very early wait patiently for them. Good that we manage to complete something during the meeting . Last us around 1.30pm. Drove back home and checked in to TGV for Terminator hahaha yeah! naughty Rina! Suppose to study back home back end up facing the big screen and do some wind


Lately , I realise my body is like hot air balloon. I am lacking of exercise and not having proper meal. Many of my pants are very tight and my belly is sticking out. Yeah! ugly scene. Getting worried to this scenario, I am trying my very best to loose weight. I blame for my mid age low metabolism rate... (yeah! we are just human always want to feel good and pass on our guilt to others) I took diet pills for almost 3 months and at the same time continue with my normal regime yoga and stretching. Ah ! never work. Latest trying to eat healthily like fruits and vege (which I neglected for quite sometimes). I hate vege and fruits. Yeah! I am a carnivor. Meat eater! But I also can just live by eating just fish and anchovies (big fan). This week, I went to my all time favourite Night Market at Bangsar. Yeah my favourite. Having the best spicy nasi lemak at Devi's Corner then shop at near by Night Market is perfect Sunday Night for me. I manage to shop for my all time favourite Red Dragon

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