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Showing posts with the label Bersih Rally

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Still at Bersih Rally

Morning traffic was horrible. Road block everywhere and those people just sit there . They don't bother to check on the drivers or what so ever. I was driving and my mind keep wondering what is the whole objective for this road block during the peak hours. For fun? I wish somebody could tell me their objective so I can eliminate this question marks in my head. Look like I need to be prepared to be in horrible traffic everyday. huhuhuhuh The good news is the 'Bersih' thingy will held in close stadium. Thanks God! Meaning I can book my Transformer 3 this Saturday? Is it safe to come out from my 'nest' this weekend? Can I not go shopping for groceries to stock up lots of food and live my life like normal rather than preparing myself to be at war? Ah! seriously not sure what to do now? These few days I don't even have time for myself and do what I like. I end up back from work and jump on the bed because I am too exhausted. I really miss my Min Ho

Things to do on Bersih Rally Day

I am a person who just want to live peacefully and don't want people to notice on my existence. They can continue to do what they are doing. If somebody won, I will be happy for them. If somebody died or hurt I will mourn for them. God Bless! I feel like want to apply for off day on Friday. I am expecting a massive road closure and road block on KL City Center. Yesterday when I was traveling back home I saw more than 10 FRU lorries heading towards KL. We just need to pray hard for something serious doesn't happen. Many told me to stock up the food supply and be prepare for the worst day before and after the rally. Seriously at first I don't know what to do. Anyway, I prefer to prepare rather than not preparing. Tonight I will go buy some food in case the difficult time comes and they don't allow me to step out from my house. I need to prepare on what to do at home too, so that I don't get boring to death. 1. Download as many korean drama as possib

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