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Showing posts with the label CNY dinner 2013

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Last Monday, Pei Ling Chingu and me went to KLCC for our CNY dinner. Yeah! was busy at work so just grab this Monday , in case both will be freaking busy on the next and next day before holiday. Both of us went to our favourite Chinese Restaurant there and ordered the same dish. Meaning we ordered the same food everytime we visited this restaurant. Only on last Monday we got to know what we ate is Fried Mee Suah not Mee Hoon. Haishhhhhh!!! only know to eat.   we both love this boiled ground peanuts.   this is the fried mee suah. We shared because too big portion! both complaining the cook has resigned that is why the taste so 'out'! both make stories ....maybe the cook not happy with management that is why he resigned. Now new cook ...the taste so...not good at all....mmmmmm   actually ordered squid but Thank God!!!! they were out of squid... why Thank God???? Because one plate of squid will cost both of us RM40...OMMMMAAA!!!!    

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