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Better Looking Skin with Dr Wu

There are times when I end up using a not suitable skincare onto my skin. This is the situation 3 weeks ago. I have a very bad skin condition which sort of oily on my 'T' Zone and skin look super bad when I applied CC Cushion.  I end up sacrificing my Dr Wu Hyalucomplex Hydrating System series which I have been saving for my next long vacation. Kind of ashamed unable to finish off my current skincare. I know if I still using that my skin will become serious bad. Here I am sharing my experience after using Dr Wu Hyalucomplex Hydrating System and this skincare series from Dr Wu totally save my skin from getting worst. I own 3 of items from Dr Wu Hyalucomplex Hydrating System : * Dr Wu Intensive Hydrating Toner with Hyaluronic Acid * Dr Wu Intensive Hydrating Serum with Hyaluronic Acid * Dr Wu Intensive Hydrating Gel with Hyaluronic Acid I know my set is not complete range but sufficient to even make a difference for my skin. They are quite a pricey range

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