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Showing posts with the label Essential Oil

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How To DIY Scented Candle using Beewax

My first-time candle making was during one of the beauty workshops, I attended a few years back. It was so much fun but as usual time constraint during this kind of workshop. So, I don't get to enjoy it longer. They taught us to meltdown the soy wax, then mix it with essential oil and decorate with some dried flowers back then. I always wanted to try out bee wax candles making. I bought the bee wax last year. Finally, I have the courage to meltdown one on my own. I was a bit sceptical with my own ability to DIY this. hahaha... I gave this a shot, anyway! I have nothing to lose if this didn't work out. Oppssss...maybe some bee wax, my precious essential oil and time. muahahaha... I don't really use any exact measurements. Everything just as what I feel right🤭. Step 1 💮 Melt bee wax pellets. I used a double boiler as if melting chocolate.😝 Step 2 💮 Take out from the heat after all the wax 100% melt. Wait for 3 seconds. Step 3 💮 Mix with some Virgin

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