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Showing posts with the label FREE SHUTTLE IN MACAU

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I took free shuttle from ferry terminal to Grand Lisboa...pheewwww...the shuttle drop everyone right to the door step of the casino... You basically step inside the casino .... and casino all the way... Damn!!!! feeling lost suddenly...the eerie feeling... I need to keep my mind strong...don't feel tempting of hitting that jackpot machine like those A Ma (Granny)!   I walk and walk ..keep looking for 'SAIDA' (EXIT) sign... cannot find also... Have to ask mind getting weak...Oh my...the dark force is pulling sit there... Drama!!! huh?? WTH! finally..I found my way out!     My bean milk curd!!!   The next morning...I mean not really morning...I went for brunch at that Xinjian Restaurant again...whoaaaa!!!!! this make me full until my 8:30pm flight! This time, I tried pear tea, xinjiang special lamb rice and of course my favourite dumplings!!!   thank God!!! I can check in my luggage from Macau


I more attracted to go to City of Dreams rather than Venetian City...weird!!! I just attracted to the name...from the name..I use my imagination...gosh seriously...I am disappointed with my own imagination...foolish me...   I walked from Venetian City to the City of Dreams...yeah!! with hope its more grand than Venetian City...foolish could it be more grand than the largest casino in the Asia??? haishhhh....     still couldn't find where is city of dreams after long walk... where is this city of dreams... look at that Golden Dragon!!!!! The big Dragon is waiting to make you pour out all your hard earned money!!!!   instead of indoor walking...I decided to walk out...then standing there outside the building... The door man look at me standing like clueless.... then he asked me...   Door man : " Mem! Is there anything I can help you??? Me : Oh! hi...where is City of Dreams???   Door man look puzzled too...ah! could it be ...he don'

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