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Showing posts with the label HYUNA

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In my previous entries I talked about I went for 3 days hiatus. Actually, was a bit on depressed side since the 2013 is ending. I feel a bit lost...well not really a bit but I have that major loss and no sense of directions in life kind of thing. I gone through this every end of the year. But this end of 2013 is the BIG hu ha for me. Well ...since I am going to be 40 years old next year. Gosh!!! what is my achievement???? This make me feel a bit down to myself. Chinggu...spontaneous road trip last Saturday really help to cheer me up! See??? this is the bright and shining smiles again....kekekeke We went for late brunch at our favourite Kesington place Later dinner both of us reached at our favourite Eleven Bistro at Jonker Walk Portuguese Baked Squid Tamarind paste Prawns, Nyonya Stlye My favourite Cencalok Omellete End our day with our favourite Nyonya Cendol at our favourite place Bibik

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