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Last entry for Hanoi trip....yeay finally it come to the end of the story!!! Overall feeling about Hanoi??? havoc in the city if you are like me who prefer quiete place...just plan for daily day trip to visit outskirts area.   early morning eat this seafood mango salad....   mushroom omellete then I went out to find coffee and have one final morning walk before my airport transfer come to pick me from Hotel at 10am   view from one othe coffee place beside this coffee place is the famous water puppet show theater place... Yeah! if you love that korean variety show Running Man.. Watch EP 134 where all members came to Hanoi , this is the place and their race is around old quaters which where i stay in Hanoi.      this!!!   spotted local selling fresh fruits   wonder...why they wear all white and in couple on that scooters convoy   morning market they display chickens lik


OK! Last two post of Hanoi on the way to finish line!!! Goshhhh!!! I took this long huh??? Before I went to Hanoi, I read in tripadvisor and they said a must try food in Hanoi is Cha Ca Thang Long. Some even exaggerated that this is the food you must try if you are at your last day in this world!!! OH WTH!!! Since this is my last night in Hanoi....mmmmm by hook or by crook need to try this amzingly highly recommended food. So I google cha ca thang long then found out this place is just about 10 minutes from my hotel. Hhehehehehe... using the low bat smartphone...WTH!!! phone suddenly refuse to charge when you really need the service. Anyway, excited to walk to find my Cha ca Thang Long dish. It was freaking cold ok!!! The traffic as usual madness!!! Thank God!!! I came to Hanoi before 'Running Man' went there for shooting. If not.....the crowd will be more more havoc. Talking about my journey to Cha ca thang Long place...lost here lost there ...suppos


  Here come the famous red bridge. They are in the midst of touching up the paint when I was there.    There you go my 'best shot' of famous Hoan Kiem Lake aka West Lake of Hanoi. do you know this famous lake also has this legend of Golden Giant Turtle? this related to the legend of the returned sword aka excalibur , King Arthur version of Hanoi. This Ho Hoan Kiem meaning ' Lake of the Returned Sword'.   I want to write about that legend....but....I am so lazy mode right just google it and read that wiki version, okay!   I want to try grilled corn in Hanoi but hey on the way walking back to Hotel from the lake saw this lady selling grilled corn.... See lor.... how they sell grilled corn in Hanoi.... You want to buy or not???? If you were me at that time???? Am I this adventurous to eat this grilled corn????   Grilled  corn on the floor everyone..... and seriously this is really 'street food'!!!!


  This unique one pillar pagoda is just walking distance from Uncle Ho Mausoleum. Here comes the story of the one pillar pagoda... The King had a vision of Budha sitting on a lotus flower and promising him a boy. Yeah yeah...King got no child yo! He then built this pagoda sitting on a pond like a giant flower on its tall stem! Inside that one little pagoda is????? Whatelse???? Buddha statue for people to worship. Many local came to worship for baby here!     viet snack counter...everyone???? in that big jar is MANGO!!! Did I try that??? Hell !!! NO!!!


  Hello to this late Uncle Ho aka Ho Chi Minh. I met him at his Mauoleum. I saw 'dead people' body! I hear no evil and see no evil and I am the evil one.....muahahahaha Creepy hor!   Who is Ho Chi Minh? He is the father of democratic republic of vietnam. This humble old man has been living as single throughout his life.   It was so strict to get into his Mausoleum. No camera. No talking Dress decently. Leg must be covered. No shorts, no mini skirts strict behaviour enforced by staff and guards. They scanned you like you are boarding plane.... If you carry big bag...SORRY you got to leave it with them. Oh! they scanned your bag too. Visitors must be silent and walk in two lines. Hands must no be in pockets, nor arms crossed. Smoking, drinking,eating,photography, and video taping are also not permitted anywhere inside mauseleum.   What you can see in Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum? I witnessed Uncle Ho body. His body was well kept w

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