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Tips To Choose A Curtain Rod For House

If you read my previous post, you might aware that I am preparing myself to move into a new place. Like I wrote in an earlier post, it's not as simple as what people may things. All details need to be taken care of. I don't have the cash to pay for an Interior Designer to do that for me. So, I am trying to do this on my own. I visited the curtain shop before and they quoted me a freaking RM6,000 for the whole house. The cheapest is RM3,000. That's insane! They said that's the cheapest. WTH! I have settled the kitchen window with zebra blinds, which I bought at an online store and it cost me only RM45. I will find my courage to learn to use the wall drill equipment soon. (psst! no confidence in this since I have bad motor skills. It may end up a disaster. isk isk isk) For starting, I will hire an installer for the whole house fittings. Most of the places, I move in was fully equipped with a curtain or the most basic the curtain rod was already installed. This new place t

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