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Showing posts with the label Ichiban Ramyeon

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Lazy Sunday

Yeah! so lazy .... Don't feel like going out. Don't feel like eating. Don't feel like doing anything. I need to start singing that one of Bruno mars song called 'Lazy Song'. My weekend almost ending and my achievement is.... I manage to hang up all clothes lying on the floor in my 'Princess Little Boutique'. OK ok ... not an easy task..... but I am happy finally that room is not in a mess anymore. Don't feel like eating but still need to eat that will be another problem for me. What to eat???

I am No 4

Saya nombor empat or I am No 4 in English. If I said this outloud people may think I am the 4th wife to somebody, or people may have mispeception that I am the 4th top rank in the company and many more to think of.... The fact is I watched this movie on Saturday. This is typical Michael Bay movie. For those who still don't know who is Michael Bay, he is the one directed the famous Transformer movie. Talking about i am No 4 movie - alien, hot chicks, super power, innocent high school student trap in between of aliens fights and war. Aish! as what I predicted came from Michael Bay. Same old formula just like hindi movie and korean movie. All as expected from the start with no surprise at all..... whatever... this movie could release your weekday work stress and a good entertainment. Here goes my snapshot of as usual my weekend delicacies dig in...... marvellous... All photos taken use my new Nokia X5- still learning to adjust ...yeah my photo still need lot of improvement.... Phot

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