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Showing posts with the label MACAU MUSEUM

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MACAU : RUINS OF ST PAUL AND MACAU MUSEUM final day in Macau before heading o HK then fly back to Malaysia tomorrow night! 'Kiasu' side of me... I need to make use of my final day today...I keep telling myself that...isk isk greedy!     I am trying to find way to Ruins of St Paul...but end up took the wrong alley...don't know where the hell am I!!! Gosh!!! I was there just last night...took the wrong turn...hehehehe   Finally found my way to St Paul and ...yeahhhh...they were dancing Portuguese dance under the hot sun! "Jingli  Nona Jingli Nona euquere cassa" Remember that song??? I only remember one sentence of those...used to sing this when I was little. If it is under cool weather...I would say lovely.... But...under the hot sun??? Pity!!! Can see their armpit sweat as they were dancing!!! kekekeke... was a good experience!!!! Happening!!!   If you come to Macau...don't miss this place...If you come here on Sunday like...they w

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