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Showing posts with the label Malaysian food

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Paradigm Mall - Tea Garden

We went traditional by eating this rice steamed cake tea time      Yau Char Kueh and beancurd with peanut sauce soya cincau  happy face because too full hehehehe

Bagan Lalang Seafood

We thought wanna try the Senandung Seafood but too many people than went to this Restaurant Bagan Lalang Seaview..... too far from the sea but still can view lol.  Nasi Lemak....the chilli so owhhhh!!! spicy!   Bamboo Seashell we request to cook with Ginger...mmmm nice!   This sweet and sour prawn end up become spicy prawn!   Deep fried squid  with sauce grilled squid vegies with shrimp   Grilled stingray.....   after eating this I am rushing home due to stomach ache and we suspected the lychee drink because I am the only one drinking that....huhuhuhuh..... Chinggu is 'A' ok and me suffering throughout the 2 hours journey back home sob sob 

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