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Study Leave

On leave today. Off my other line (office tel line) .I need time to do some last minute revision. Its work for other subject though but not for this one. I just feel lack of confident in this subject. Thursday night do some revision until 2.00am. Then woke up at 7.00am, as normal I will do my usual routine rolling and rolling on the bed.. hehehe lazy to get out of the bed. Received call from a friend whom about to depart from Changi and off to LA but I guess need to stop transit a while at Narita before continue to LA. Not vacation but working for 2 weeks. To him , I wish Work Hard! Play Hard! ... don't be naughty man! Safe journey and hope come back here safely too..If you bring back Teddy Bear from LA maybe I will consider your invitation for coffee coffee with you when you back ! No Teddy Bear no consideration hahahaha...Yeah ! I am nasty! His called actually make me get out from my bed and straight to shower..Thanks Bro! Go to bank , then go to salon.. do wash treatment and tri

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