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Showing posts with the label Weekend Layparking

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First Time Pasta Zamai

Last Saturday to see old time chinggu at Tropicana City Mall. Since I reached there early I end up getting my pedicure...kekekeke result me half hour late for the appointment. Very bad girl!  Julie's choice - 1st brunch Rice top with grilled terayaki chicken and poarched egg      Julie's choice - 2nd brunch spagetti in clams soup top with golden fried garlic   Both Jack and me end up digging into her bless meal hehehehe...sharing and caring!   Jack's choice - spagetti with beef and mushroom My choice - spagetti with hotate and mushroom 3 of us sharing this as dessert. Don't know what this call....taste??? ok! 

Day Trip to Bagan Lalang

Last Saturday, I went for day trip to Bagan Lalang near coastal area near Sepang district.     We went through few small town  Muzium Automobil Nasional....mmmmm first time hear about this   On the way to Bagan Lalang we can see many dragon fruit aka pitaberry farm on left and right and ocassionally see few swallow nest building. I end up bought 3 pitaberry (red color is my favourite) and this cost me....opppsssss!!! cost 'Chinggu' RM15 for 3.   Below is my caption near the beach. Can see many tents... families and friends picnic by the beach...some grilling seafood...mmmm yummy!!!    below out!!!! don't know how to adjust it super big now!!1


My Friday night dinner with Pei Ling 'Chinggu'. I have this Portuguese spicy grilled fish with ladies fingers!!!! mmmm.... so good!!! Ah! so high calories!!!!  Following Pei Ling Chinggu with her favourite Bonjour Cream Puff... OMOOOO!!!! not my taste... So rich of cream!!!! Driving my parent from Kajang to Shah Alam and the journey will take around one hour. Since Mum have a severe gastric, I standby with this steamed cakes for her to eat on the way to my Sis 's house in Shah Alam... mmmm.... so good daughter, huh!!!! hehehehehe...   After reached my sis's house...all of us hopped on to her car and head to Uptown Damansara for breakfast...We choose to try out The Village Park. One of the Malaysian leading actress's restaurant....huhuhuh not hers but her parent ,though!!!!      My mummy's choice is Soto Ayam... Chicken soup with rice cubes,noodles,groundnuts,beancurds,shredded chicken....according to my Mum.... sh


  Any familiar faces????   The weather is freaking hot!!!! and these ladies and gentlemen was here since morning and expected until night time with palm on this car. Oh wow!!!! Mental challenge everyone!!!! Determination!!!!   I was at the curve last Saturday after having my breakfast with parent The Village Park , Uptown,Damansara and there you goes bunch of people trying their luck to be one of those 10 lucky people to represent Malaysia to Singapore. Besides an all expense paid trip to Singapore (six days in October) for finals,each of the 10 Malaysia reps will receive an Orient watch worth RM1,600 and Subaru merchandise....Oh WOW!!!!   They are required to place their right hand on the car once a palm is off/shifted from the allocated space, she or he is OUT!!!!!


With GPS helps...end up at Portuguese settlement on Merdeka Day.... Finally!!!! Where is portuguese settlement in Malacca??? Good question.. Just get yourself one GPS and the rest follow instruction hehehehe...lazy people answer huh?? Portuguese settlement is at west side of downtown Malacca. This place founded in 1930s by Portuguese descendants - Kristang. Still remember that history book we learned in Primary school??? "Portugis menyerang Melaka???" or in English Portuguese attacked Malacca???? happened in year 1511...ah!!! still remember that... basically portuguese settlement attraction is the seafood and their portuguese famous food. I don't go for their famous devil's curry and portuguese baked...just end up ordering for normal bland grilled goes my photo capture during my recent visit there... drunken cat!!!  this fella so hangover from yesterday night 31st Aug 2012 eve countdown party!!! this portug

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