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Showing posts with the label beautytips

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Why You Should Add Antioxidant Serum into your daily Skincare Routine?

Anything about antioxidant is good for my skin nowadays. But its all listen and talk but to really add into my skincare routine...I was a super lazy woman. I rather go for a simple skincare routine than following that 10 steps Korean Skincare. 10 steps? Hurl!!! 4 steps also a bit too much for me.  I still go for the basic skincare : 1. Cleanse 2. Toner 3. Eye Gel 4. Moisturizer This is what I did daily. Oh! should I add in 5 steps instead of 4 steps? As a responsible woman, I never failed to step out without any sunscreen on. huhuhuh Recently, I added Antioxidant Serum into my skincare nighttime routine. Never thought this change my skin condition. I should have added this earlier. I tried Sanny and Joleen Lifestyle Antioxidant Serum which contains : * Tocotrienol (Vitamin E) * Panthenol (Pro-Vitamin B5) * Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) * Calendula and Olive Oil The texture is a very lightweight with cooling effect and the non-oily formula with absol

The Butterfly Project July 2017 : My Fav Face Mist

What is your first impression if I mention the word ' Face Mis t' ? Refreshing ? Oh yeahhh!!! you bet during this hot weather season. My first thought when Face mist is hot item for beauty addict ? WTH? This is just a scented water spray onto face. Envy the face spray fashion, I then started to follow the face mist vibes and own few of it too. goes with my 'WTH?' Isn't this just a spray toner ? Well.. I got that part wrong!  Toners used after the face cleanse while this face mist can be used at any time. Just spray over as long as you don't get drunk overdosed of spray. kekeke What is face mist function ? Revive the tired skin Helps to control break out Skin hydration Set make up  How to use face mist for your skin condition ?   Oily / Acne Skin - Spray face mist with lightly astringents to ward off  breakouts Dry Skin - Get the face mist with hydrating ingredients. You can spray it over all day long to rejuvenate you

What is the Difference between Skin Hydrating and Moisturizing?

Not sure about you, I only know about moisturizing rather than hydrating. I always thought Hydrating and Moisturizing is the similar thing.  Hydrating products are said to be moisturizing but its not the same thing. WTH! So confusing! I read somewhere and they said hydrating means the actual replenishment of moisture or water to skin cells. While moisturizing products keep the skin soft and prevent water content in skin from evaporating. With this both hydrating and moisturizer works well together.  Question which one goes first? Hydrating or Moisturizer? should replenish moisture to your skin before apply moisturizing skincare. Hydrating product comes first and follow with moisturizer. Does this means you need to apply 2 different products?  Well...nowadays many moisturizer comes with water-binding ingredients. So you need to check the ingredients before purchase your next moisturizer.  At age 40s its important for me to hydrate my skin well to ensure

Do we really need Eye Cream?

Choose The Right Eye Cream Those days , I always have this dilemma on whether I really need eye cream. If talking about few years back, I would just apply facial moisturizer onto my skin area too. Then when getting older and read some beauty care tips and found that we need a different cream for eye area. Reason ? * Skin around eye areas is thinner and delicate than the rest of face. * Eye area is the first places to show signs of aging Still depends, I read somewhere says we don't need separate cream for eye area if the facial cream has complete formula. However , to find an effective eye cream turns out to be a difficult task. At least for me! First, let me share my eye area problems. Basically, I have all three common problems on the eye area, which is : * Dryness * Fine lines * Dark circles and Puffiness I then started to experiments eye cream, serum and balm for my under eyes area. I can tell you not easy to get one that suitable for my


Nowadays, we are spoil with choices when it come to beauty products. Most product claimed its effectiveness to this and that for your beauty routine. But sometimes these products may cost you a hole to your wallet. Gosh! sometimes those product does not deliver what it claimed. This really make me feel I had enough of those marketing gimmick! I am not sure about you, but I have known rosehip oil since I was early 20s. This natural alternative really work wonders to me especially when it heal my deep cut scar on my neck which I gotten when involved in horrible accident. Rosehip oil not just for scar healing but is truly remarkable natural product for skin rejuvenating and hair conditioning too. How to incorporate Rosehip Oil into your beauty regime? 1. Revive dull hair Massage in slightly warmed up Rosehip oil and leave it for 3 minutes before you wash your hair. Rosehip oil is rich with vitamins and help to bring back lifeless hair and shine back into your locks.

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