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Road Blocks everywhere

Yesterday I was stucked in traffic jam as early as 6.30am at Jalan Seputeh leading towards Federal Highway. I was furious when I finally got to know it was only few police standing by the road side guarding the blocks. They did nothing , basically standing there and enjoy the scene of drivers squeezing into smaller road. Nothing much that we can say as we just merely normal citizen! I believe everybody was very frustrated as most of us are heading to works as usual. Evening time, as my office located with viewing towards sprint highway and damansara road, traffic started as early as 5pm. Damn! everybody was so frustrated again. End up went for mamak stall dinner with girlfriends. This morning , I woke up as early as 6.30am to ensure I can escape the jam . Yeah! today is important day for me. I need to go collect my new term study books. Class is next week. Most people warned me not to go as I will be stucked in road blocks jam again! I bought that thought for a second. But after deep t

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