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Showing posts with the label business class

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My wish come true

It is a bless or is it a disaster. first my cab suppose to turn up at 12noon end up never turn up. I need to on my computer back for a radio cab phone number. Manage to get one cab at around 1pm. Reached at KLIA at 2.00pm. I went to check in counter and end up that person said over booked and no seat for me. What???? I paid wor!!! What you want me to do? No point aguing with this people who like to earn people money without offering any service. I told them its not my fault. Why sold my seat??? You are MAS ??? Never expect this from MAS. Then they gave me compensation of meal voucher RM20, Business Class KUL - Jakarta by MAS then Garuda Air Jakarta - Bali. I may end up spen 2 hours at Jakarta airport tonight!!!! Whoa!!!! my hotel gone for one night and my driver gone too. Lucky can use the business lounge and I am like a cinderella looking any handsome man around at business lounge but all I see I am surrounded by old man.Damn!!!! I may end up become old single woman since I am too pic

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