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Why Make Up to work is important?

When a woman improves her appearance, amazing thing happens to her. Trust me. Try it if you still stick to 'plain Jane look' or so called 'natural beauty look'.  Don't blame pretty woman to steal all the attention. They put their effort to look pretty. Magic of Make up at work 1.Gain attention People around you will start to notice and listen to you. Recognition will comes along. 2. Confidence grows You feel good and confidence will starts to build up. You will do good in work. 3. Insecurity falls away You feel more self assured, courageous and feel like everything with a click of fingertips. Imagine yourself comes to work to face your colleague who have a messy hair, oily or dry face , chapped lips and looking pale. Make thing worst she don't even pay attention to wear nice clothes.Will you have the motivation to even face her every day throughout the year? Make up is part of grooming. For those who make up to work,


The best thing happens to me in year 2014 , when I decided to join this great bloggers community called the The Butterfly Project. This community lead by Tammy Lim who was the Cleo's Next Top Blogger Winner too. O lalalalala!!!! Amazing Lady !!!! Why I said amazing?? Hey, its not an easy task to manage this huge of ladies group and put them under one roof. I could say Tammy has a group leadership skill and I give her big salute to her initiative! Thank you Tammy for accepting me into your group. This year event gathered 99 Butterflies from different background, age and multiracial at The Apartment, Curve Damansara on 23 Dec 2014. We are all having fun get to know each other. Yeah! I have opportunity to meet new friends with same passion, not just online world but also real life people! I brave myself to join the crowd and overcome my Agoraphobia.  I wish I can get rid of this passive attitude and mingle around with more people. I am not that active in crowd and my social s

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